You trust the quality of what you know, not quantity

Yesterday's/Today's Results
The scale reads: 145 lbs. (Analog scale - the digital one is at kind sir's) Goal: 137 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 7040 steps, 1.777 mi., 292 calories (Still looks a little fishy considering I got lost walking around a high school judging a science fair yesterday)

Other aerobic activities:

OK, I may have overdone it yesterday with the aerobic activities because I felt like the ultimate McFatty-Fat-Fat. I don't know if the quality of the "workouts" exceeded the quantity of it. Since I didn't use the same scale to weigh myself, I can't really tell if it did anything. Then again, does one day really make a difference?

Here's a snippet of the peppy Andrea leading me through the "Dance Your Body Thin" routines:

It is a departure from the Jane Fonda library, but it's still good. Sometimes I can't tolerate Andrea's enthusiasm, but it'll stay in my DVD collection.

Haha, I don't know if I'm doing enough, but I know it's good if I keep it up. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is quite the amount of aerobic activity. Good job! Haha that woman is very ... cheery. I got tired just watching that video segment. But keep at it! I think you're doing great and should start slowly anyways. No need to jump into a crazy workout session right off the bat.

    Wilson and I have jumped into intense running regimes right off the bat, and it has often led to injury so I definitely recommend taking it slow. It takes awhile for any result to appear, so don't get discouraged.



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