Goodbye, January School Term. Hello, Fitness Goals.

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 144 lbs. Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 10527 steps, 2.658 mi., 436.7 calories

Other aerobic activities:

Methods Class, finished. Curriculum Development Class, no more. I am a happy camper. It was a challenging term because I really didn't know how to make time for some aerobics or other fitness related activity. I'm scaling it back to one course this upcoming term (that starts next Monday) so I can mellow out and get my bearings on my fitness goals again.

The wedding was nice. I guess what helped me cut down on the eating that night was the fact that Chris, family friends, Chris' mom, Chris' aunts, and I helped with serving food during the reception. I guess seeing over 100 people with the same food kind of makes you lose your appetite. I did good considering I only had one plate half full of ribs, a couple piece of briskets, a little itty bit of rice, a smidge of potato salad, half a serving of cake (of what I thought was a sliver of cake), and a cup of calorific beverage. I was surprised about the last one because these days I really like some high quality H2O (Nestlé Pure Life that is... it could be pretty costly, but it got a better grade than most bottled water brands we enjoy).

I was looking at my planner and I had set the goal of being down to 137 lbs. ... 4 weeks ago. Now that I have a week-long break, let's see if I can get closer to maintaining 143 lbs this week.

I guess I'm doing good because the video below actually scared me and did not appeal to me even though there was "moar bacon"

Here's to a new week! I know I can lose a pound or two or at least maintain 143 lbs.

1 comment:

  1. I think I had a heart attack just watching that video ... yikes.

    But glad to hear that school is winding down a bit for you. I know you can find a fitness solution that works for ya! It's always tough finding the right thing and mainly, time to work out, but hopefully you'll find what works for ya.



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