PALA: Completed

Last Month's Results
The scale reads: 145 lbs. Goal: 127 lbs.

I can't believe 8 weeks has passed already! Look what I have accomplished within that time:

I've earned the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award!

See, I earned myself some golden stars!

I could've technically had 7 shiny, golden badges of accomplishment, but I had forgotten to keep track of my steps while I was in Southern CA (The first week of the challenge). I think I actually did more walking during that trip compared to the last 7 weeks of this endeavor. I guess it was silly of me to initiate the challenge before going on the trip.

Regardless, I'm content with the results because:
  • I was able to reach my goal.
  • I was dedicated to this endeavor and a positive result came of it.
  • I got the award electronically. I wasn't going to dish out 6 buckos and some change to get the paper one with stickers and a badge.
  • There were many stressful periods during the weeks, but I walked off most of the anxiety (as you can see with the completed stars).
  • I was able to tackle this challenge while starting a new full-time position and a new school term.
  • I have greater motivation to be more active from this experience because it was actually too easy to accomplish.
  • I did not gain weight. I'm still at the mid-140 range, but this will change once I adapt to the my new daily work routine and can incorporate more exercise into my day. It's a wonder how I can get over 4000 steps in a single work day!


  1. Yay to the getting the PALA award! Congrats! I meant to comment earlier but I suppose life got in the way, haha which I suppose is seen from my lack of blagging. Time for me to up my game. :)

  2. :) Thank you for the congrats!

    Life does provide interesting interruptions - I need to get back into the game, too.

    No worries about the blag. We'll slowly gain our momentum in getting active and recording our adventures again.



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