Hmm, Running the 5K?

Today's Results
The scale reads: 145 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 11113 steps, 2.806 mi., 457.5 calories

Other aerobic activities:

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 145 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 10900 steps, 2.752 mi., 448.8 calories

Other aerobic activities:

At this point, I don't think Chris or I have developed the endurance to run the entire 5K. We walked the course and thought it might be more challenging than we first imagined it to be. It doesn't help I don't have the appropriate equipment (read: running shoes) to build up the endurance yet.

The Skechers Resistance Runners order I had placed 2 weeks ago on Amazon unexpectedly canceled. Why did the seller even bother posting the item if they were not sure they can fulfill their obligation of supplying the specific item? I put in a new order with Lady Foot Locker's Amazon store last Wednesday. I should be getting it by Tuesday and be ready to try and run in the days that follow.

It's curious how I can keep up the aerobic dance endurance, but dislike and cannot keep up the running. Is it my negative attitude towards running that prevents me from building up endurance? Is it a different kind of endurance from aerobic dancing?

Either way, I'm happy I'm happy with the frequency of aerobics I've done in the past week. If I keep it up, I'm sure I'll reach my original weight loss goal of 137 within a month. Doing the aerobics truly helps me sleep better at night. I don't know about alleviating stress, but it feels good. Let's hope it will help contribute to developing running endurance.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, a 5k is always a good place to start. I never really raced one, only walked it but I think with some training, you and Chris will be just fine.

    Ah some good running shoes might help. That's most unfortunate the seller backed out on the deal, but i guess at least you'll be getting it soon enough now.

    Hmm I think running endurance just takes time for your body to get used to. Haha I know when I first started running, I couldn't even make it half way around a 400m track, sadness. But gotta start somewhere I guess.

    I'm glad you've been keeping up with your aerobics. Good sleep is definitely a positive outcome of exercising, so keep up the good work!



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