Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 148 lbs. (Oh me gads! How did this happen?!?!) Goal: 137 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 4741 steps, 1.197 mi., 196.7 calories

Other aerobic activities:

Disgusting! I thought I was good at maintaining my weight. I guess the analog scale at my apartment has a 3 to 5 lbs. error even though I "calibrate" it per the instruction manual. I didn't think eating a bowl of oatmeal would add that many pounds. Then again look at some the fatty fat I consumed yesterday:

Chuy's Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas

A closer look

Gringo's Papa Chulo (ribs, sausage, beef fajita, bacon-wrapped shrimp, rice, and beans

1 comment:

  1. Man, those dishes look might tasty. While I'm sure the digital scale is fairly accurate, I always question the readings of weight scales in general.
    I know you have a weight loss goal, but try not to get too discouraged if it seems like you gained weight, since I think our weight does fluctuate by about 1 lb throughout the day.

    But keep up the exercise regime, you'll reach your goal in no time!



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