Just Tracking My "Progress"

March 21st's Results
The scale reads: 145 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 11182 steps, 2.823 mi., 460.4 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Nothing

March 22nd's Results
The scale reads: 144 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 11260 steps, 2.843 mi., 463.6 calories

Other aerobic activities:

March 23rd's Results
The scale reads: 144 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 3000 steps, 0.757 mi., 123.5 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Nothing

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 143 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 11101 steps, 2.803 mi., 457 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Nothing

At least I went down to 143, yay! No major trial or tribulations. I just kept on trucking even though I didn't complete any other major aerobic activity. What helped was I didn't eat any super high calorific meals. Whenever I'm "in the zone" for work or school I lose my appetite. Don't get me wrong, I do eat still, but it's considerably less when I'm on foodie mode.

I notice whenever I'm at Chris', I hardly do any aerobics even though I have the "luxury" of working out with Exercise TV. I wonder if it's a subconscious thing that I don't want Chris seeing me work out. Nah, it can't be that because he actually joined me a couple times (well, it was more like clowning on Billy Blank, Jr. and his wife).

I was also caught up with work and school, but that's no excuse. At least for most of the days, I did 110% of my walking 10k steps goal.

Today, we're celebrating Chris' parents birthdays at a restaurant. Let's see how well I do tonight and if I manage to clock in some aerobic dance before then.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Keep up the good work! Haha oh Tae Bo! I still remember in MS they used to make us do that every rainy day.

    Good job on being up on life stuff, it's always hard to juggle the two. I now understand that completely haha.



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