Gripe, Gripe, Gripe

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 146 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 137 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 5378 steps, 1.358 mi., 223.1 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Snoring :(

The pollen level is high in Houston and flu season has suddenly kicked into high gear. My voice was hoarse yesterday and I didn't sleep too well. By the end of the day, my voice was normal, but I was dog tired! Am I sick? Do I have allergies? Do I have a weird bout of the blues?

I was definitely in an emotional slump yesterday. I felt like I could not accomplish anything or do anything right. I couldn't conjure in that last bit of effort to walk 10K steps. Instead of trying to do something active, I took a long nap. I haven't been sleeping well in the last few days, too. Final assessments and assignments are due this week and I haven't even gotten around to some of it. I am panicking, but I know I need to schedule in some exercise so I'm not a sedentary donkey.

I'm glad my weight is back down to 146 though.

1 comment:

  1. Allergies/being sick is just no fun. You should definitely rest since honestly, I don't think anyone should exert themselves when they are under the weather since that just makes things worse.

    I wouldn't feel bad at all about taking that nap since the whole high pollen/flu season thing has taken a toll on your body and you needed to rest up.

    Good luck on those assignments! Perhaps you can schedule some quick 30 mins exercise video or workout as a break from the assessments/assignments? Haha but I know, easier said than done. I always told myself I'd do that in college but never did ...



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