"Stayin' Alive" and a Smorgasbord of Other Rants

June 15th's Results
The scale reads: 144 lbs. (Analog scale) Goal: 127 lbs.
The awesome pedometer reads: 7666 steps (0 aerobic steps for 0 minutes), 3.02 mi., 222 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Jane Fonda - Low Impact Aerobics (47 minutes)
  • Cheryl Burke's Disco Abs - That's the Way I Like It Abs (5 minutes)

Sleep and Food Mood Journal
Mood Before:

Mood After:
AM Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:
  • Baked catfish
  • Steamed medley of broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower
Mood Before:
Ready to take on the day

Mood After:
PM Snack
  • Mango
Mood Before:
Grumpy bear - I need some fruit!

Mood After:
I can mosey along
Mood Before:

Mood After:
Evening Snack
  • Banana
  • Cantaloupe
Mood Before:
Wishy-washy - I got plenty accomplished, but, but... hungry!

Mood After:
Man, it's pretty late and I'm still eating?
Stayin' Alive
I got a solicitation from the American Heart Association via e-mail! They're changing up their game! They know I'm just recycling their snail mailings. What caught my attention about this e-mail was the heart health fact involved disco. That's right, disco.

Their opening paragraph: Did you know the disco hit "Stayin' Alive" can actually help save lives? The song has the same beat as the proper rate of chest compressions during CPR - giving our CPR instructors an easy-to-remember teaching tool to equip millions of people with lifesaving skills. Will you help us keep people "Stayin' Alive"?

I'm that close <Pointer finger almost touching thumb> to making an impulse donation.

Who am I kidding? I did donate!

For all I know with my ongoing cholesterol/triglyceride problems, I may need to utilize the services of the American Heart Association - if the nurse's harsh prognostication of me perishing from clogged arteries materializes. You can donate to help others to keep "Stayin' Alive", too. I thought it was a rather clever donation campaign. I learned how to do pseudo CPR and can remember at what rate to do it because of a disco tune.

I was looking for more ways to help me get better quality sleep. I came across this recording and haven't listened to it in its entirety yet. Her voice alone would lull you to sleep. It's not monotonous, it's just comforting (or I was already tired and ready to go to la la land when I had attempted to listen).

Honestly, I haven't listened to it completely because I'm slightly paranoid about any subliminal messages in the mix.

I'm hesitant to try hypnosis for this reason, too.

Do you have any experience with soothing recordings or hypnosis to help tackle a health problem?

Bottled water
Yes, I went on a wild rant the other day about not using my apartment's tap water, but after tasting some horrible bottled spring water yesterday (a gallon was on sale for 55 cents - well, no wonder!), I'm convinced it's super duper better to Brita the heck out of the tap water. I had to use my Brita pitcher 4 times before the nasty taste of the spring water was acceptable. I would imagine I would have to filter the apartment's tap water 5 times or more (yes, call me OCD, but when you have to reckon with this, erring on the side of caution is much better).


  1. Nice, I remember reading about that kind of CPR. They say it's actually really effective to do the chest compression with that song.

    They even say if you do just chest compressions and no breaths, that it might be better since getting the blood flowing might be more important at that moment. It is still debated but I figure doing that is better than nothing at all.

    Aww good stuff about donating, it is an organization that many Americans will need since it is becoming more and more of a problem.

    I've used this site:
    for soothing sleep sounds. It does help me relax when I'm really stressed so maybe it might help you too? Haha I hope there is no subliminal messages ...

    Ah yes the bottled water dilemma. I wonder if Texas water has some other minerals and compounds in it that make it so unpleasant tasting. Maybe there is another type of filtration system that may help combat the taste better than the Brita filters?

  2. :) Thanks for suggesting soundsleeping.com - I'll have to check it out tonight when I'm ready to sleep.

    As for the municipal waters, it seems to taste different in every district. The water from my faucet tastes different from where my aunt and Chris lives (we all live within 30 mi of each other). <Shrugs>

  3. 'Stayin' Alive' helps people stay alive for real? That is awesome! Excellent find Irene, excellent find!

    Sometimes I use this app on my phone called Relax Melodies http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/relax-melodies-a-white-noise/id314498713?mt=8 to help me sleep when there's too much noise going on (neighbor's noisy dog, or annoying parties with loud and obnoxious music, etc. you get the pic). This app allows me to customize my melody by combining my own "sleep mix." It's a really neat app.

  4. Haha, whenever (and if ever) I make the move to smarter phones, I'll have to keep this app in mind. Thanks for sharing, Ruby!



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