These "Walk Outs"

Today's Results
The scale reads: 140 lbs. (Analog scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 10005 steps (3434 aerobic steps for 29 minutes), 3.94 mi., 274 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Dance It Off and Tone It Up (10 minutes)
  • Cheryl Burke's Disco Abs - Boogie Oogie Buns and Thighs (20 minutes)
  • Leslie Sansone's "Cardio Slimdown" (20 minutes)
  • Jane Fonda's Prime Time Walk Out (23 minutes?)

Sleep and Food Mood Journal
Mood Before:

Mood After:
AM Snack
  • Blueberry Light and Fit
  • Pink Lady apple
Mood Before:
Tired and running on adrenaline.

Mood After:
Ready to go back to sleep.
  • 2 chicken tenders (like the last couple of days)
  • Broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots
Mood Before:
Hungry. I need a more substantial meal.

Mood After:
PM Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:
  • Chips and salsa
  • Adobe Avocado (stuff avocado with chicken)
  • Spanish rice
  • Refried beans
  • Tilapia
Mood Before:

Mood After:
I overdid it. Wishy-washy.
Evening Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:

In the last couple of years, it seems like the public is embracing walking with the outpour of walk out DVDs, Shape-Ups, Reetones, 10k steps/day plans and so forth. Yeah, I can say I totally jumped onto this bandwagon especially with my obsession to get in my steps. However, the walk out DVDs hasn't really piqued my interest like the other Wal*Mart or Target varieties.

This evening I finally tried a Leslie Sansone with ExerciseTV. Not a fan. At all. Her laugh reminds me of a Nicole Sullivan character from MADtv. Her enthusiasm doesn't seem genuine. I didn't really break out a sweat.

I thought good ol' Jane wouldn't let me down. Oh, but she did. My thoughts echo this Amazon review.

Have you tried one of these "Walk Outs?"

Was I naive in my thinking that walk workouts could be an equal amongst my high impact or multi-interval aerobic library?


  1. Hmm I have not tried any of these "Walk Outs" before. Walking has become a more popular method for people since I guess they don't have much time for anything else.

    I think the walk workouts could be equal to your other aerobics collection only if it was done for a much, much longer time frame. I just feel the exertion of walking isn't as great as the exertion from some other activities.

  2. These walk outs seem more time consuming. Like you said, it seems like the exertion level isn't the same and you would need to do more to get to that desired level. <Shrugs>

    I'll give it one more try tonight and see what happens.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have not tried any of the "walk outs" either. Wow, Leslie's laugh reminds me of this.

    I don't think I'd be able to tolerate her for more than 5 minutes to be honest. More kudos to you Irene for giving it another try and not giving up so easily. Was it any better the second time around? Was there a third?

    .. and congrats on the new weight! :)

  5. Yes! Yes! It reminds me of Janice!

    Haha, I tried the walk outs a couple more times when I felt lazy. I felt good about myself because I kept on moving even though I didn't feel like doing anything. That's the redeeming value of it; it keeps you in motion. I must say they helped me maintain the weight at the very least.



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