Fish! Ge-FIL-tuh Fish.

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: --- lbs. (I'll ignore data until Sunday morning. I'm going to a wedding in the next 24 hours and I'm already a little disheartened :P) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 4497 steps, 1.136 mi., 186.7 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Just breathing :(

Image courtesy of HEEB Magazine
I'd have trouble saying "gefilte" fish if I hadn't heard Chris Tucker butchering the word in the Rush Hour outtakes. I've never had this variety of stuffed fish before. Heck, I don't think I've had stuffed fish period. I've only had eggplant stuffed with fish and that was surprisingly addictive.

I'm kind of craving the fish they serve at Chinese seafood restaurants with the soy sauce and ginger and kind of drowning a bowl of rice. All the talk of wedding meals makes me lust over the idea of having Chinese style lobster at my own wedding. I love lobster tails with butter and lemon, but Chinese style dominates the taste buds. Only if seafood was more affordable, I'd probably be on a seafood diet. I know, I know, I'm currently on a see-food diet.

Let's see how I do in the next 24 hours.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm seafood ... that is definitely a weakness for me too. I know I should control myself when it comes to that too (although I just had some cajun style seafood yesterday) since I am a bit predisposed to having high cholesterol and blood pressure.

    Well I suppose having fish is fine, haha I just gotta watch the shrimp for sure. I sure do miss lobster as well, but such things are much too pricey to have as often as I would want it (which is almost everyday haha).

    Enjoy that wedding and don't get too disheartened by the numbers from yesterday. Just do your best to maintain (and maybe increase?) the exercise and I'm sure you'll be losing those pounds in no time.

    You've been having a lot to do, I definitely understand how tough it is to keep up the exercise regime as I always falter on mine as well. You can do it!



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