Pedometers and Random Cancer Factoids

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 144 lbs. (Analog scale. This shouldn't count since I'm weighing myself at a different hour of the day.) Goal: 137 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 10230 steps, 2.583 mi., 424.4 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • 38 minutes of Paula Abdul's "Cardio Dance"

Image courtesy of Google Products
I'm glad I came across the Pedometer Review. The full review is currently in my queue of things to read after textbooks. Only 1 more week left until the end of this term. If I continue to maintain my stellar GPA after this term, I should reward myself with one of these recommended models. The Omron HJ-112 is getting rave reviews and I'm mighty tempted to get it. I can't complain about the price because I've gone through 1 Dollar Tree pedometer (at $1.08) and 4 Wal*Mart pedometers (OK, the brand is SPORTLINE, but I associate it with Wal*Mart) at 6-8 buckos apiece already! This would save me and wallet some more tears if I were to lose the current one because I can easily put this Omron wonder in my pocket or use the detachable clip and make it literally a hip pedometer! It's definitely slicker looking than any of my pedometers.

OR I can be a ridiculous penny pincher and stay with this fudged up one. One of the reasons for the inaccuracies is belly bulge. The stupid spring-levered pedometer has to be vertically-flushed against your hip and a slight bulge can skew the sensing of motion. Maybe this is motivation for me to get rid of the distended piece of flab?

In other current events, I'm getting more solicitation letters from health research groups/advocates for better living (e.g. Make a Wish Foundation, American Lung Association, American Disabled Veterans, Boys Town, etc.). I have so many mailing labels from them as a thank-you-in-advance gift that I can live at my current for the next 5 years without worrying about mailing labels. I dislike the fact that my mailing information is being traded or sold to different organizations. However, I like that I'm getting free information about preventative care for different types of ailments.

Did you know about these Eight Warning Signs of Cancer (It doesn't necessarily mean you have cancer, but you should consult with a doctor for a thorough diagnosis):
  • Change in bowel or bladder habits
  • A sore that does not heal
  • Unusual bleeding or discharge
  • Thickening or lumps in breast or elsewhere
  • Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing
  • Obvious change in wart or mole
  • Nagging cough or hoarseness
  • Deep, persistent aching pain lasting more than a week or two

Naturally, I need to include the list of Top Cancer-Fighting Foods and Natural Ingredients:

Remember this? Of course this helps cut cancer...
Image courtesy of WIC

  1. Peppers - rich in vitamin C, A, folic acid, and potassium
    • Potassium is important for proper cell function
    • Breakfast that includes grapefruit juice and fresh strawberries topped with yogurt gives you 1/3 of your daily potassium
    • Don't overcook veggies too long or at high temps because it can remove the minerals, nutrients, and vitamins to fight cancer
  2. Crucifers (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, collards, Brussels sprouts, mustard greens, radishes, turnips, watercress) - phytochemicals that stimulate the immune system help fight colon, stomach, and respiratory cancers
  3. Cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries - vitamin C and folic acid... and of course the magic word, antioxidants, which protect the body against diseases by counteracting free radicals that damage cells
    • Any food high in vitamin C including OJ and citrus fruits help prevent oral, esophageal, lung, stomach, and colon cancers
  4. Water (seltzer, spring, and mineral) and decaffeinated tea are the best beverages to drink because they help with digestion, nutrient transmission, and absorption so drink at least 6-8/day
  5. Tomatoes - lycopene (it's an antioxidant?) to reduce the risk of skin and other types of cancer
  6. Olive oil - phytochemicals and vitamin E to prevent breast and colon cancers
  7. Apples (especially the peel) - phytochemicals to inhibit the growth of colon and liver cancer cells
  8. Pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and acorn squash - cancer-fighting carotenoids (beta-carotene)
No surprise, I'm getting hungry talking about food, but it's time to hit the hay.


  1. I just did a quick read of the review of that pedometer, it does seem to be the fancy stuff. The price doesn't seem to shabby either since it does seem to have a better mechanism than the ones that seem to be disappointing you.

    I suppose if you wanted to as well, you could get that other Omron that's a little pricer but includes software to track your progress (if it is good or not, I don't know but I just skimmed the article). Sometimes it helps to keep a nice log of your progress.

    Nice factoids you provided! I had just taken an online nutrition class that mentioned some of these anti-cancer benefits that come from fruits and veggies. I definitely need to work harder on getting more of those into my diet.

  2. Besides this blog, I keep track of my steps and distance in my planner. Ever since the Bravo days, I've had a weekly planner and can't part with it. Being the cheapskate I am, I'll probably go low-tech and just get the recommended Omron.

    The Simpsons taught us that you don't win friends with salad (cha cha cha). Way to go, TV. You ruined my subconscious attitude towards food again! :P I'm getting better about eating fruits, but I need to include more leafy greens.

  3. Ooo good job on keeping track of things. I would definitely go with the less expensive one then since the only draw to the other one seems to be the software. Haha I've gotten very lazy with tracking my workouts and just leave it up to the Nike+ site.

    Before, I made spreadsheets of everything (unemployment does make you foster strange skills) but now I'm lazy and just rely on Nike+ and I guess now my blag.

    Haha you most certainly do not win friends with salad. I have the benefit of my mother's cooking, so I always get vegetables. However, I do need to get better about that and eating fruit. Honestly, I think I need to embark on my endeavor to cook, I always say I will but never do haha.



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