It's the S...

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 142 lbs. (Analog scale... skeptical of this) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 10799 steps, 2.727 mi., 448 calories

Other aerobic activities:

Image courtesy of Skechers
I totally gave in. I bought this baby on Amazon and I'm not looking back (unless the vendor really shipped me a piece of junk). The rave reviews for the Skechers Resistance Runners were alluring. What really pushed me to purchase this, though, was the upcoming 5K run to celebrate Yuri's (the first human in Earth orbit) Night Chris and I signed up for in April. I was looking at my collection o' shoes and I didn't own a single pair of running shoes (hard to believe since we all know I have a shoe habit and currently own easily around 30 something pairs). My only pair of running shoes fell victim to last spring's freak apartment flood that also took 20 other pairs of shoe. Only one of the shoes in the flood belonged to Chris.

I definitely need to start some kind of running routine since I've been toying with the thought of running the full 5K. In the past, I've only run maybe 1/2 of the course. Chris enjoys running so I'll have greater motivation to run it this time.

I haven't been walking around the Shape-Ups as much and I can feel the difference. Walking in my good ol' Superstars made me feel short and uncomfortable standing for prolonged periods. Those Shape-Ups feel like a stroll through wispy clouds. We'll see how the S did with the resistance runners. Do they even use that slogan anymore?

1 comment:

  1. Nice, a 5k race is always a good place to start. If you haven't ran in awhile, I would definitely suggest starting slow by walking more first and then running (although I know you've been walking more so that's a great start).

    Haha learn from my mistake (and Wilson's)! We both started much too quickly and had all kinds of aches afterward.

    Hmm a great question about the Skechers slogan, I don't know but it's definitely a blast from the past haha. I remember I took an econ class at ELAC and we used Skechers as an example.



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