'Cause I'm, I'm Fascinated...

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 143 lbs. (Analog scale - shifty little bugger, that little dial... I don't trust it one bit) Goal: 137 lbs. 127 lbs. by August

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 6383 steps, 1.61 mi., 264.8 calories

Other aerobic activities:

I'm interested in reading Sally Hogshead's Fascinate. I just took her little online test to see what triggers I fascinate (persuade and captivate) with. To my chagrin, my primary trigger is:

My secondary trigger is:

And my dormant trigger is:

Guh, can I entice myself to lose weight with my "natural proclivity" to arouse rebellion, inject irreverence, and lure with alternatives? Can I start avoiding the facts and the data and just start feeling? Can I create opportunities to engage all 5 senses so I'm captivated with this weight loss adventure? I know for sure I'm teasing and flirting with the idea of getting down to 137 lbs.

Maybe I should tease myself further by trying to go down to 132 lbs.? (In reality according to my height, my ideal healthy weight should be 122 lbs. (for a 5'2" gal) or 126 lbs. (for a 5'3" gal). I'm 5'2.5" so I don't know which figure to believe. If we're going with healthy ranges, I should be between 109-136 lbs. (at 5'2") or 112-140 lbs. (at 5'3").

Then again, if you consider my frame (I think I'm a medium frame), the healthy range by frame is 118-132 lbs. and 121-135 lbs., for 5'2" and 5'3", respectively. By averaging the two ranges, I magically come up with 126.5 lbs.

H'OK! 127 it is.

Some other goals
  • I'll arouse rebellion by continuing my red meat feeding craze, but exercising control (also literally exercising)
  • I'll inject irreverence to those so-called fitness gurus and products by saying no to yoga, pylometrics, and the shake weight. I'll lose the weight with a little help from 5 lbs. weight, prancing around my living room, and a better pedometer, thank you.
  • I'll lure myself with alternatives by finding other fitness DVD titles at the library
  • No more freakishly scouring the interconnect and glaring at the scale for facts and the data and just start feeling better about my endeavor (Do I feel better around the waistline? Do I see more visible results?)
  • Create opportunities to engage all 5 senses by:
    • Tasting more of nature's candies (fruits that is)
    • Hearing more birds because I should be walking outside more often
    • Seeing more toned legs
    • Touching less flab 'round the belly
    • Smelling more stir-fried vegetables


  1. What no shake weight?! Blasphemous ... haha I kid! :)

    Haha I took that test to see what I'd get. Apparently my primary trigger is mystique, secondary is lust and dormant is prestige. What is this book about anyways? Haha I took the test but am still confused about this.

    But keep at the goals! It is wise to not be bogged down by numbers and "data" as they can often be misleading.

    Weight and height are really just part of the picture. There are those that are heavier than their "ideal" weight but it just turns out it's because they are packing on a lot of muscle that just skewed the weight up. So it is definitely wise of you to consider other aspects besides just the numbers.

    Keep up the good work and attitude!

  2. The book is about how people should take advantage or play to the strengths of these identified triggers to persuade or captivate others. So your results show that you primarily persuade others with mystique. Then you captivate with lust (in the sense that you build attraction, can establish rapport, etc.). Finally, you are least likely to persuade others with prestige.

    I'm just going to challenge myself with a more ambitious goal so I can lust over wanting to lose more weight. Thanks for pointing out the muscle factor. I'm not entirely sure I would bulk up in muscle that much by looking at the more slender members of my family.

    :P Don't worry, I'm giving myself until August 1st to lose the 20 lbs. - so that's like a pound a week? Healthy enough, yes?

  3. Haha yea that's good to give yourself sufficient time since any change to the body always happens slowly. Which is usually a good thing since, for the most part, sudden changes kill us.

    But good luck! I know you can do it!



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