Back Away, Not Today

Yesterday's (Thursday, March 10) Results
The scale reads: 141 lbs. (Analog scale... not buying this figure) Whoa, I just checked my weight moments ago with a digital scale: 148 lbs.!!!! (Then again it's a different time of day and a different date. Also, I'm wearing jeans and a heavier shirt than what I usually weigh myself with (shorts and a tank top). Oh, and I just went to a fish fry today and scarfed down how many fillets of fried catfish, popcorn shrimp, hushpuppies, fried okra, and fries? YEAH, I know. The word "fried" should've been a signal to say, "Back away, not today.") Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 10028 steps, 2.53 mi., 4160 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Very light chores

Image courtesy of Bling Cheese.

I am laughing at a Xanga post I just wrote within the hour. My Xanga blog is my personal "Gratitude for the Right Attitude" blog. Now I'm grateful for this rather rude awakening. It has humbled me with the knowledge that I am not invincible to fried goodness. I should have "hustled" my way out of the fish fry situation. Crud. I couldn't think of a better/appropriate Disco Stu reference here to tie it in with the "Back Away, Not Today (Disco Lady)" title. Forgive-a-ness, prease.

Oh my word. I should've checked the scale before I wrote that entry. A full 6 pound difference? Wow. I even "calibrated" that analog scale. I guess it must have been that messed up. It kind of annoys me though. I bought the analog scale at JC Penney's or Sears two years ago. I was yelling then because it was an expensive purchase for this gal since I usually don't make purchases there. I'd go there, but it's just "window shopping." I'm yelling now because it was not a great investment.

I bought the digital scale at Wal*Mart about 1/2 a year ago and it has more functions and validity. Chris checked his weight on this device and confirmed its accuracy during a doctor's visit. The doctor's scale can't be wrong, right? However, I'm still skeptical about the height measuring instrument that's attached to the scale. During my last couple of years in Southern CA, I was declared 5'3." The nurses here in Houston ALWAYS tells me I'm 5'2. Did gravity distort my body so I'm growing horizontally to compensate for the vertical loss? I kid!

Anyways, why did I go to a fish fry? Well, the local Knights of Columbus was having their annual event for Lent. Like I told my co-worker, I'm not a practicing anything, but the best part about Lent is the fried fish goodness. A part of me was glad we didn't stay the Knights of Columbus otherwise I would have gorged on more than what was offered in that take-out box (that box was huge!) since it was an all-you-can-eat if you stay. I might have peaked at 150 this evening.

Let's see what happens today at Chris' cousin's wedding. Hopefully, I know how to exercise portion control (but it'll be buffet style with brisket, sausage, and BBQ chicken. Actually, I could live without the brisket. Surprisingly for a carnivore, I don't care much for brisket) or know how to shimmy and shake on the dance floor to undo the damage.

1 comment:

  1. Ah that is a tough situation. How can you not enjoy yourself at a wedding huh? Well just do your best to sample the goodies and keep the portions down!



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