Weekend Grubbing Destroyed Me Again

March 25th's Results
The scale reads: 143 lbs. (Analog scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 10677 steps, 2.696 mi., 439.6 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Climbed 16 flights of stairs!

March 26th's Results
The scale reads: 147 lbs. (Digital scale - not happy with this) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 11406 steps, 2.88 mi., 469.6 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Climbed 4 flights of stairs... (well, maybe I shouldn't count it because it wasn't for exercising purposes - I was the only way I can get to where I was going)

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 146 lbs. Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 14767 steps, 3.729 mi., 608 calories

Other aerobic activities:

Gah! I've gained weight again. I was doing pretty good, but weekend grubbing always destroys me. Chris' mom had a birthday celebration. We went to Christian's Tailgate for some burgers (It was pretty good, but I should of asked for less mayo on the swiss/mushroom burger). I enjoyed dim sum with the pork chops I always crave. I had a carb fest at Buca di Beppo's (My cousins and I pulverized 4 loafs of bread waiting for a lasgna that was in their massive kitchen queue). I'll post pictures later. I thought more physical activity would counteract the calorie damage, but I guess it wasn't enough.

My Skechers Resistance Runners came in promptly! Go, Lady Foot Locker, for actually fulfilling your order. The shoes are a bit snug, but I think it'll do for running. I definitely feel the support I need for having pretty flat feet. The next step is to try and get some running in to justify this purchase.

Just Tracking My "Progress"

March 21st's Results
The scale reads: 145 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 11182 steps, 2.823 mi., 460.4 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Nothing

March 22nd's Results
The scale reads: 144 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 11260 steps, 2.843 mi., 463.6 calories

Other aerobic activities:

March 23rd's Results
The scale reads: 144 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 3000 steps, 0.757 mi., 123.5 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Nothing

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 143 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 11101 steps, 2.803 mi., 457 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Nothing

At least I went down to 143, yay! No major trial or tribulations. I just kept on trucking even though I didn't complete any other major aerobic activity. What helped was I didn't eat any super high calorific meals. Whenever I'm "in the zone" for work or school I lose my appetite. Don't get me wrong, I do eat still, but it's considerably less when I'm on foodie mode.

I notice whenever I'm at Chris', I hardly do any aerobics even though I have the "luxury" of working out with Exercise TV. I wonder if it's a subconscious thing that I don't want Chris seeing me work out. Nah, it can't be that because he actually joined me a couple times (well, it was more like clowning on Billy Blank, Jr. and his wife).

I was also caught up with work and school, but that's no excuse. At least for most of the days, I did 110% of my walking 10k steps goal.

Today, we're celebrating Chris' parents birthdays at a restaurant. Let's see how well I do tonight and if I manage to clock in some aerobic dance before then.

Hmm, Running the 5K?

Today's Results
The scale reads: 145 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 11113 steps, 2.806 mi., 457.5 calories

Other aerobic activities:

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 145 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 10900 steps, 2.752 mi., 448.8 calories

Other aerobic activities:

At this point, I don't think Chris or I have developed the endurance to run the entire 5K. We walked the course and thought it might be more challenging than we first imagined it to be. It doesn't help I don't have the appropriate equipment (read: running shoes) to build up the endurance yet.

The Skechers Resistance Runners order I had placed 2 weeks ago on Amazon unexpectedly canceled. Why did the seller even bother posting the item if they were not sure they can fulfill their obligation of supplying the specific item? I put in a new order with Lady Foot Locker's Amazon store last Wednesday. I should be getting it by Tuesday and be ready to try and run in the days that follow.

It's curious how I can keep up the aerobic dance endurance, but dislike and cannot keep up the running. Is it my negative attitude towards running that prevents me from building up endurance? Is it a different kind of endurance from aerobic dancing?

Either way, I'm happy I'm happy with the frequency of aerobics I've done in the past week. If I keep it up, I'm sure I'll reach my original weight loss goal of 137 within a month. Doing the aerobics truly helps me sleep better at night. I don't know about alleviating stress, but it feels good. Let's hope it will help contribute to developing running endurance.

Air...ing the Truth: Factoids About Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution

Today's Results
The scale reads: 142 lbs. (Analog scale. I checked the digital scale later and got a reading of 148 lbs. Sadness) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 7017 steps, 1.771 mi., 288.9 calories

Other aerobic activities:

I stayed indoors and I'm still breathing after all that aerobic activity! I'm kind of puzzled how I'm at 148 with all the physical activity I enjoyed.

Image courtesy of NASA and The Batelle Institute
I'm going through the mailed donation solicitations again and the one from the American Lung Association caught my eye. It kind of makes me want to spend more time outdoors and take my exercising business there. However, according to NASA, "Houston has exchanged titles with Los Angeles as having the most polluted air in the United States defined by the number of days each city violates federal smog standards." Let's take a look at some of these factoids:

  • Levels of air pollution inside the home can be 2-5 times higher (and occasionally 100 times higher) than outdoors
  • Americans spend as much as 90% of their time indoors
  • Breathing polluted air can trigger wheezing, coughing, and asthma attacks. It can also increase the risk of having to go to the hospital, developing lunch cancer and dying earlier
  • Air pollution contributes to lung disease, which claims more than 400,000 lives in America every year and is the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S.
  • More than 1/2 of the people living in the U.S. - over 175 million - live in areas with unhealthy levels of outdoor air pollution. Children, seniors, and people with lung disease are among the most at risk.
  • The EPA has repeatedly delayed setting new limits for ozone smog, the most widespread pollution in the country.

For additional facts on the dangers of poor indoor and outdoor air quality, and ways you can help to improve the air you breathe, visit http://www.lungusa.org

Triple Jam

March 15's Results
The scale reads: lbs. Goal: 127 lbs. I spent 3 days with my aunt, but I totally don't trust that digital scale. I should have considering that's the scale we'll use for the weigh in August. However, I want to know where I really am so I'll just stick with the readings from the digital scale I bought from Wal*Mart. I'll check in with my analog scale to keep up the habit.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 13516 steps, 3.413 mi., 560.7 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Nothing - 13k steps is pretty good

March 16's Results
The scale reads: lbs. Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 15264 steps, 3.854 mi., 633.3 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Nothing - I think walking 5000 extra steps was good enough for the day!

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: lbs. Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 10169 steps, 2.567 mi., 418.7 calories

Other aerobic activities:

Image courtesy of Castle Party Rental
Three posts in one. Blame it on the lack of internet access. Actually it was kind of good that I didn't have consistent internet access so I could take a vacation from being digitally connected. It also gave me more time to walk around and surpass my 10k/day goal (even though the pedometer provides questionable figures).

I'm confident if I had a Triple Jam machine at home, I'd have a stronger upper body. This would be the one thing that would motivate me to work out my arms and upper body coordination. When I was under-aged and forced to find some amusement at Circus Circus' Midway arcade (while the adults tried their luck with the slots) I would invest 96% of my tokens on this one game. I honestly didn't care too much about the basketball aspect of the activity. I like the satisfaction of being able to score lots of points and making three baskets in one shot. The fact that all the baskets moved left and right was quite vexing, but it made it so much more fulfilling when you do make all three.

Boy, did I feel sore in the days to come.

When I have kids, we all know I'll be renting a moon walker and a Triple Jam machine for their birthday parties. Not for them. For me.

It was really hard to say no to food when I'm with family. Especially in the last 3 days with my aunt and cousins. Home cooked meals. Delicious buffet outings. Being around other foodies. I thought I did pretty well conquering this obstacle by limiting the number of plates at the buffets and walking the extra steps. I typically attack buffets with 3-5 plates (including dessert), but it went down to 2-3 plates over the last 2 days. Then again, one can argue that what I had on the plate was like eating 3-5 plates. I consumed a ridiculous amount of fried seafood goodness. I can't deprive myself of what I enjoy, but I certainly need to learn how to make those portions smaller. OR I can just do what I used to do: clock in an extra 30 minutes of aerobic activity.

Goodbye, January School Term. Hello, Fitness Goals.

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 144 lbs. Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 10527 steps, 2.658 mi., 436.7 calories

Other aerobic activities:

Methods Class, finished. Curriculum Development Class, no more. I am a happy camper. It was a challenging term because I really didn't know how to make time for some aerobics or other fitness related activity. I'm scaling it back to one course this upcoming term (that starts next Monday) so I can mellow out and get my bearings on my fitness goals again.

The wedding was nice. I guess what helped me cut down on the eating that night was the fact that Chris, family friends, Chris' mom, Chris' aunts, and I helped with serving food during the reception. I guess seeing over 100 people with the same food kind of makes you lose your appetite. I did good considering I only had one plate half full of ribs, a couple piece of briskets, a little itty bit of rice, a smidge of potato salad, half a serving of cake (of what I thought was a sliver of cake), and a cup of calorific beverage. I was surprised about the last one because these days I really like some high quality H2O (Nestlé Pure Life that is... it could be pretty costly, but it got a better grade than most bottled water brands we enjoy).

I was looking at my planner and I had set the goal of being down to 137 lbs. ... 4 weeks ago. Now that I have a week-long break, let's see if I can get closer to maintaining 143 lbs this week.

I guess I'm doing good because the video below actually scared me and did not appeal to me even though there was "moar bacon"

Here's to a new week! I know I can lose a pound or two or at least maintain 143 lbs.

Fish! Ge-FIL-tuh Fish.

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: --- lbs. (I'll ignore data until Sunday morning. I'm going to a wedding in the next 24 hours and I'm already a little disheartened :P) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 4497 steps, 1.136 mi., 186.7 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Just breathing :(

Image courtesy of HEEB Magazine
I'd have trouble saying "gefilte" fish if I hadn't heard Chris Tucker butchering the word in the Rush Hour outtakes. I've never had this variety of stuffed fish before. Heck, I don't think I've had stuffed fish period. I've only had eggplant stuffed with fish and that was surprisingly addictive.

I'm kind of craving the fish they serve at Chinese seafood restaurants with the soy sauce and ginger and kind of drowning a bowl of rice. All the talk of wedding meals makes me lust over the idea of having Chinese style lobster at my own wedding. I love lobster tails with butter and lemon, but Chinese style dominates the taste buds. Only if seafood was more affordable, I'd probably be on a seafood diet. I know, I know, I'm currently on a see-food diet.

Let's see how I do in the next 24 hours.

Back Away, Not Today

Yesterday's (Thursday, March 10) Results
The scale reads: 141 lbs. (Analog scale... not buying this figure) Whoa, I just checked my weight moments ago with a digital scale: 148 lbs.!!!! (Then again it's a different time of day and a different date. Also, I'm wearing jeans and a heavier shirt than what I usually weigh myself with (shorts and a tank top). Oh, and I just went to a fish fry today and scarfed down how many fillets of fried catfish, popcorn shrimp, hushpuppies, fried okra, and fries? YEAH, I know. The word "fried" should've been a signal to say, "Back away, not today.") Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 10028 steps, 2.53 mi., 4160 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Very light chores

Image courtesy of Bling Cheese.

I am laughing at a Xanga post I just wrote within the hour. My Xanga blog is my personal "Gratitude for the Right Attitude" blog. Now I'm grateful for this rather rude awakening. It has humbled me with the knowledge that I am not invincible to fried goodness. I should have "hustled" my way out of the fish fry situation. Crud. I couldn't think of a better/appropriate Disco Stu reference here to tie it in with the "Back Away, Not Today (Disco Lady)" title. Forgive-a-ness, prease.

Oh my word. I should've checked the scale before I wrote that entry. A full 6 pound difference? Wow. I even "calibrated" that analog scale. I guess it must have been that messed up. It kind of annoys me though. I bought the analog scale at JC Penney's or Sears two years ago. I was yelling then because it was an expensive purchase for this gal since I usually don't make purchases there. I'd go there, but it's just "window shopping." I'm yelling now because it was not a great investment.

I bought the digital scale at Wal*Mart about 1/2 a year ago and it has more functions and validity. Chris checked his weight on this device and confirmed its accuracy during a doctor's visit. The doctor's scale can't be wrong, right? However, I'm still skeptical about the height measuring instrument that's attached to the scale. During my last couple of years in Southern CA, I was declared 5'3." The nurses here in Houston ALWAYS tells me I'm 5'2. Did gravity distort my body so I'm growing horizontally to compensate for the vertical loss? I kid!

Anyways, why did I go to a fish fry? Well, the local Knights of Columbus was having their annual event for Lent. Like I told my co-worker, I'm not a practicing anything, but the best part about Lent is the fried fish goodness. A part of me was glad we didn't stay the Knights of Columbus otherwise I would have gorged on more than what was offered in that take-out box (that box was huge!) since it was an all-you-can-eat if you stay. I might have peaked at 150 this evening.

Let's see what happens today at Chris' cousin's wedding. Hopefully, I know how to exercise portion control (but it'll be buffet style with brisket, sausage, and BBQ chicken. Actually, I could live without the brisket. Surprisingly for a carnivore, I don't care much for brisket) or know how to shimmy and shake on the dance floor to undo the damage.

2 Steps Forward, 2 Steps Back

Yesterday's/Today's Results
The scale reads: ? lbs. I was too absorbed with my final to weigh myself. Yay, I know my priorities. Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 3180 steps, 0.803 mi., 131.9 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Exercising my jaw to eat every last morsel of Chuy's endless nacho bar :(!!!

I totally feel like I'm taking 2 steps forward and 2 steps back with this endeavor. I got all gung-ho about losing more weight only to lose steam by day one. I guess panic mode had set in because I have so many final assessments of sorts for school due. I welcomed the opportunity to go grub with Chris and our friends, Brian and Melissa, so I can get out of the apartment. Talk about cabin fever.

I need to start better sleeping habits, too. I guess that's why I don't feel so motivated to prance about and keep up with moving about or eating right.

Eh, since I'm still running on adrenaline, I better skedaddle and try to clock in 30 minutes of something. Hopefully, I'll be taking a step in the right direction tomorrow.

It's the S...

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 142 lbs. (Analog scale... skeptical of this) Goal: 127 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 10799 steps, 2.727 mi., 448 calories

Other aerobic activities:

Image courtesy of Skechers
I totally gave in. I bought this baby on Amazon and I'm not looking back (unless the vendor really shipped me a piece of junk). The rave reviews for the Skechers Resistance Runners were alluring. What really pushed me to purchase this, though, was the upcoming 5K run to celebrate Yuri's (the first human in Earth orbit) Night Chris and I signed up for in April. I was looking at my collection o' shoes and I didn't own a single pair of running shoes (hard to believe since we all know I have a shoe habit and currently own easily around 30 something pairs). My only pair of running shoes fell victim to last spring's freak apartment flood that also took 20 other pairs of shoe. Only one of the shoes in the flood belonged to Chris.

I definitely need to start some kind of running routine since I've been toying with the thought of running the full 5K. In the past, I've only run maybe 1/2 of the course. Chris enjoys running so I'll have greater motivation to run it this time.

I haven't been walking around the Shape-Ups as much and I can feel the difference. Walking in my good ol' Superstars made me feel short and uncomfortable standing for prolonged periods. Those Shape-Ups feel like a stroll through wispy clouds. We'll see how the S did with the resistance runners. Do they even use that slogan anymore?

'Cause I'm, I'm Fascinated...

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 143 lbs. (Analog scale - shifty little bugger, that little dial... I don't trust it one bit) Goal: 137 lbs. 127 lbs. by August

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 6383 steps, 1.61 mi., 264.8 calories

Other aerobic activities:

I'm interested in reading Sally Hogshead's Fascinate. I just took her little online test to see what triggers I fascinate (persuade and captivate) with. To my chagrin, my primary trigger is:

My secondary trigger is:

And my dormant trigger is:

Guh, can I entice myself to lose weight with my "natural proclivity" to arouse rebellion, inject irreverence, and lure with alternatives? Can I start avoiding the facts and the data and just start feeling? Can I create opportunities to engage all 5 senses so I'm captivated with this weight loss adventure? I know for sure I'm teasing and flirting with the idea of getting down to 137 lbs.

Maybe I should tease myself further by trying to go down to 132 lbs.? (In reality according to my height, my ideal healthy weight should be 122 lbs. (for a 5'2" gal) or 126 lbs. (for a 5'3" gal). I'm 5'2.5" so I don't know which figure to believe. If we're going with healthy ranges, I should be between 109-136 lbs. (at 5'2") or 112-140 lbs. (at 5'3").

Then again, if you consider my frame (I think I'm a medium frame), the healthy range by frame is 118-132 lbs. and 121-135 lbs., for 5'2" and 5'3", respectively. By averaging the two ranges, I magically come up with 126.5 lbs.

H'OK! 127 it is.

Some other goals
  • I'll arouse rebellion by continuing my red meat feeding craze, but exercising control (also literally exercising)
  • I'll inject irreverence to those so-called fitness gurus and products by saying no to yoga, pylometrics, and the shake weight. I'll lose the weight with a little help from 5 lbs. weight, prancing around my living room, and a better pedometer, thank you.
  • I'll lure myself with alternatives by finding other fitness DVD titles at the library
  • No more freakishly scouring the interconnect and glaring at the scale for facts and the data and just start feeling better about my endeavor (Do I feel better around the waistline? Do I see more visible results?)
  • Create opportunities to engage all 5 senses by:
    • Tasting more of nature's candies (fruits that is)
    • Hearing more birds because I should be walking outside more often
    • Seeing more toned legs
    • Touching less flab 'round the belly
    • Smelling more stir-fried vegetables

Gripe, Gripe, Gripe

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 146 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 137 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 5378 steps, 1.358 mi., 223.1 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Snoring :(

The pollen level is high in Houston and flu season has suddenly kicked into high gear. My voice was hoarse yesterday and I didn't sleep too well. By the end of the day, my voice was normal, but I was dog tired! Am I sick? Do I have allergies? Do I have a weird bout of the blues?

I was definitely in an emotional slump yesterday. I felt like I could not accomplish anything or do anything right. I couldn't conjure in that last bit of effort to walk 10K steps. Instead of trying to do something active, I took a long nap. I haven't been sleeping well in the last few days, too. Final assessments and assignments are due this week and I haven't even gotten around to some of it. I am panicking, but I know I need to schedule in some exercise so I'm not a sedentary donkey.

I'm glad my weight is back down to 146 though.


Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 148 lbs. (Oh me gads! How did this happen?!?!) Goal: 137 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 4741 steps, 1.197 mi., 196.7 calories

Other aerobic activities:

Disgusting! I thought I was good at maintaining my weight. I guess the analog scale at my apartment has a 3 to 5 lbs. error even though I "calibrate" it per the instruction manual. I didn't think eating a bowl of oatmeal would add that many pounds. Then again look at some the fatty fat I consumed yesterday:

Chuy's Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas

A closer look

Gringo's Papa Chulo (ribs, sausage, beef fajita, bacon-wrapped shrimp, rice, and beans

The Taffetas

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 145 lbs. (Analog scale - doesn't count since it was at a different time of day and a post-brunch measurement) Goal: 137 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 8794 steps, 2.22 mi., 364.8 calories (I don't know how many more steps I had since I left the pedometer at home while I was out and about so I'm pretty happy I did that many more extra steps)

Other aerobic activities:
  • Climbing 4 flights of steps, twice

Are you doing the pony?
Image courtesy of Weight Loss Minds

I was pretty grumpy yesterday because the neighbor kids were raising such a fuss. Friday afternoon madness, I guess? I walked around plenty, but that didn't calm my nerves. What did the job was watching The Taffetas later that evening. My friend was playing drums that night for this musical and she encouraged me to go. She didn't have to twist my arm. She said the magic words, "It's a musical based on '50s music." Man, oh, man. I was the only Asian gal there and probably the youngest person that actually knew the music, but it was a jolly good time singing along with 4-part harmonies of tunes I used to hear on K-Earth 101. Even K-Earth makes me sad these days whenever I go back and visit SoCal. No one plays '50s music anymore! Once I hear that music though, my toes start tapping and I want to cut loose, footloose?

I guess what would help with my weight loss goals is finding a new '50s inspired aerobics workout that's not "Sweating to the Oldies."

Gosh, I miss the old days of radio.

Pedometers and Random Cancer Factoids

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 144 lbs. (Analog scale. This shouldn't count since I'm weighing myself at a different hour of the day.) Goal: 137 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 10230 steps, 2.583 mi., 424.4 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • 38 minutes of Paula Abdul's "Cardio Dance"

Image courtesy of Google Products
I'm glad I came across the Pedometer Review. The full review is currently in my queue of things to read after textbooks. Only 1 more week left until the end of this term. If I continue to maintain my stellar GPA after this term, I should reward myself with one of these recommended models. The Omron HJ-112 is getting rave reviews and I'm mighty tempted to get it. I can't complain about the price because I've gone through 1 Dollar Tree pedometer (at $1.08) and 4 Wal*Mart pedometers (OK, the brand is SPORTLINE, but I associate it with Wal*Mart) at 6-8 buckos apiece already! This would save me and wallet some more tears if I were to lose the current one because I can easily put this Omron wonder in my pocket or use the detachable clip and make it literally a hip pedometer! It's definitely slicker looking than any of my pedometers.

OR I can be a ridiculous penny pincher and stay with this fudged up one. One of the reasons for the inaccuracies is belly bulge. The stupid spring-levered pedometer has to be vertically-flushed against your hip and a slight bulge can skew the sensing of motion. Maybe this is motivation for me to get rid of the distended piece of flab?

In other current events, I'm getting more solicitation letters from health research groups/advocates for better living (e.g. Make a Wish Foundation, American Lung Association, American Disabled Veterans, Boys Town, etc.). I have so many mailing labels from them as a thank-you-in-advance gift that I can live at my current for the next 5 years without worrying about mailing labels. I dislike the fact that my mailing information is being traded or sold to different organizations. However, I like that I'm getting free information about preventative care for different types of ailments.

Did you know about these Eight Warning Signs of Cancer (It doesn't necessarily mean you have cancer, but you should consult with a doctor for a thorough diagnosis):
  • Change in bowel or bladder habits
  • A sore that does not heal
  • Unusual bleeding or discharge
  • Thickening or lumps in breast or elsewhere
  • Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing
  • Obvious change in wart or mole
  • Nagging cough or hoarseness
  • Deep, persistent aching pain lasting more than a week or two

Naturally, I need to include the list of Top Cancer-Fighting Foods and Natural Ingredients:

Remember this? Of course this helps cut cancer...
Image courtesy of WIC

  1. Peppers - rich in vitamin C, A, folic acid, and potassium
    • Potassium is important for proper cell function
    • Breakfast that includes grapefruit juice and fresh strawberries topped with yogurt gives you 1/3 of your daily potassium
    • Don't overcook veggies too long or at high temps because it can remove the minerals, nutrients, and vitamins to fight cancer
  2. Crucifers (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, collards, Brussels sprouts, mustard greens, radishes, turnips, watercress) - phytochemicals that stimulate the immune system help fight colon, stomach, and respiratory cancers
  3. Cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries - vitamin C and folic acid... and of course the magic word, antioxidants, which protect the body against diseases by counteracting free radicals that damage cells
    • Any food high in vitamin C including OJ and citrus fruits help prevent oral, esophageal, lung, stomach, and colon cancers
  4. Water (seltzer, spring, and mineral) and decaffeinated tea are the best beverages to drink because they help with digestion, nutrient transmission, and absorption so drink at least 6-8/day
  5. Tomatoes - lycopene (it's an antioxidant?) to reduce the risk of skin and other types of cancer
  6. Olive oil - phytochemicals and vitamin E to prevent breast and colon cancers
  7. Apples (especially the peel) - phytochemicals to inhibit the growth of colon and liver cancer cells
  8. Pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and acorn squash - cancer-fighting carotenoids (beta-carotene)
No surprise, I'm getting hungry talking about food, but it's time to hit the hay.

Use focus. Your best karate still inside. Now time let out!

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 144 lbs. (Analog scale) Goal: 137 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 8239 steps, 2.08 mi., 341.8 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Sweeping and vacuuming

Hi-ya! Karate chop my lack of focus! I only needed under 2000 steps to reach my 10k/day goal. I think light chores can count as aerobics, right? If time had permitted, I would've done some mopping, too.

Time is not on my side right now. I read from About.com that "[y]ou start deconditioning in about two weeks if you stop exercise altogether. Once lost, it takes nearly three times as long to recondition as it took to 'detrain.'" So, I haven't really been keeping a consistent workout regimen for nearly a year. Will it take me three years to recondition? I kid, I kid. However, I do see less definition since the high school days so I need invest the time.

Image courtesy of CelebrityBeautyBuzz.com

I need to stop relying on my Skechers Shape-Ups to do the work for me. Sometimes I wonder if I should have waited for the newer versions (that have a lower profile and look less awkward). When I first started, I thought that instability was awesome. Now I've probably reached a plateau and don't even get a physical challenge walking on them. Chris agrees that it has helped maintain some tone to a certain extent, but I need to continue with some other types of workouts.

Enough chit chat. It's still early and I should get a move on some aerobics or other chores.

Free Pancake Day Ruined Me

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 145 lbs. (Analog scale) Goal: 137 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 11378 steps, 2.873 mi., 472 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • It's a rest day after yesterday's activities rendered me, um, un-energetic

In support of the Shriners, IHOP had their annual "receive-a-stack-o'-pancakes-for-free" day. I asked my aunt if she wanted to partake in this and before you know it, it turned into an all foodie day. I still had the Groupon for Little Napoli (Yeah, I'm still a little annoyed they did not allow us to use for brunch on Sunday) so we started our day there:
It looks harmless enough... right?

$10 for a 10" pizza with sparse amounts of meat (for me anyways). Let's fill up on carbs via some garlic bread.

Spaghetti with meatball and Italian sausage - I ate probably 3/4 of it.

I ate maybe 1/2 of this beef lasagna.

Then the day continued on with the original foodie intent:
 But the food didn't end there :(... I was spoiled with home-cooked congee with thousand year old egg and fish... and 2 oranges :).

You trust the quality of what you know, not quantity

Yesterday's/Today's Results
The scale reads: 145 lbs. (Analog scale - the digital one is at kind sir's) Goal: 137 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 7040 steps, 1.777 mi., 292 calories (Still looks a little fishy considering I got lost walking around a high school judging a science fair yesterday)

Other aerobic activities:

OK, I may have overdone it yesterday with the aerobic activities because I felt like the ultimate McFatty-Fat-Fat. I don't know if the quality of the "workouts" exceeded the quantity of it. Since I didn't use the same scale to weigh myself, I can't really tell if it did anything. Then again, does one day really make a difference?

Here's a snippet of the peppy Andrea leading me through the "Dance Your Body Thin" routines:

It is a departure from the Jane Fonda library, but it's still good. Sometimes I can't tolerate Andrea's enthusiasm, but it'll stay in my DVD collection.

Haha, I don't know if I'm doing enough, but I know it's good if I keep it up. :)


Progress Report Mind: 12-day Headspace streak Challenge of picking up jQuery in a short amount of time after a long hiatus AIAA Hous...