These "Walk Outs"

Today's Results
The scale reads: 140 lbs. (Analog scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 10005 steps (3434 aerobic steps for 29 minutes), 3.94 mi., 274 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Dance It Off and Tone It Up (10 minutes)
  • Cheryl Burke's Disco Abs - Boogie Oogie Buns and Thighs (20 minutes)
  • Leslie Sansone's "Cardio Slimdown" (20 minutes)
  • Jane Fonda's Prime Time Walk Out (23 minutes?)

Sleep and Food Mood Journal
Mood Before:

Mood After:
AM Snack
  • Blueberry Light and Fit
  • Pink Lady apple
Mood Before:
Tired and running on adrenaline.

Mood After:
Ready to go back to sleep.
  • 2 chicken tenders (like the last couple of days)
  • Broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots
Mood Before:
Hungry. I need a more substantial meal.

Mood After:
PM Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:
  • Chips and salsa
  • Adobe Avocado (stuff avocado with chicken)
  • Spanish rice
  • Refried beans
  • Tilapia
Mood Before:

Mood After:
I overdid it. Wishy-washy.
Evening Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:

In the last couple of years, it seems like the public is embracing walking with the outpour of walk out DVDs, Shape-Ups, Reetones, 10k steps/day plans and so forth. Yeah, I can say I totally jumped onto this bandwagon especially with my obsession to get in my steps. However, the walk out DVDs hasn't really piqued my interest like the other Wal*Mart or Target varieties.

This evening I finally tried a Leslie Sansone with ExerciseTV. Not a fan. At all. Her laugh reminds me of a Nicole Sullivan character from MADtv. Her enthusiasm doesn't seem genuine. I didn't really break out a sweat.

I thought good ol' Jane wouldn't let me down. Oh, but she did. My thoughts echo this Amazon review.

Have you tried one of these "Walk Outs?"

Was I naive in my thinking that walk workouts could be an equal amongst my high impact or multi-interval aerobic library?

Jillian Michaels "FREE" Offer... Hmm?

Today's Results
The scale reads: 141 lbs. (Analog scale - Yay! A new low on the analog scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 15404 steps (6593 aerobic steps for 67 minutes), 6.07 mi., 451 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Jane Fonda's Complete Workout (35 minutes)
  • Knockout Body (20 minutes)

Sleep and Food Mood Journal
  • Nature's Own™ Healthy Multi Grain with Peter Pan™ creamy peanut butter
  • Raspberry Light 'n' Fit yogurt
Mood Before:
Forced against my will. Do I really have to eat breakfast?

Mood After:
AM Snack
  • Mango
Mood Before:
Pressured. Didn't want it to go to waste.

Mood After:
Shocked. It took me 21 bites to finish this "small" mango.
  • 2 Lemon chicken tenders sans sugar and curry sauce
  • Broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots with garlic and herbs
Mood Before:

Mood After:
PM Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:
  • 2 Lemon chicken tenders sans sugar and curry sauce
  • Broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots with garlic and herbs
Mood Before:
Rushed. Hungry.

Mood After:
Satisfied and ready to bust out the Jane Fonda.
Evening Snack
--Skipped (since I had more than 80 bites today)--
Mood Before:

Mood After:

Image courtesy of
While reading fitness, I couldn't help but notice an ad for free copies of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and Shred-It. I've always heard her name in magazines, ExerciseTV, and random talk show segments. I never watched The Biggest Loser so I have no idea how her harsh, demanding intervention works with weight loss.

Shreddy shred shred. Why did she decide to call her workout "The Shred?" I think of a weak, bumbling fool. The Shredder. Shredder never effectively shred anything with those metallic spikes.

Anyways, I don't know if it's worth the $5 S&H gamble to get
  • 2 "free" DVDs
  • 2 "free" weeks access to the online diet and fitness plan (It typically costs $4/week and you're automatically billed quarterly if you forget to cancel during your free trial. It's a total of $208 if you forget about it the whole year.)
What have you heard about Jillian Michaels? Would you take up this offer?

80 Bites

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 143 lbs. (Analog scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 14821 steps (3796 aerobic steps for 39 minutes), 5.84 mi., 415 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Cheryl Burke's Disco Abs - That's the Way I Like It Abs (5 minutes)
  • Paula Abdul's Cardio Dance (25 minutes)

Sleep and Food Mood Journal
  • Nutella™ on a slice of Nature's Own™ Healthy Multi Grain bread
Mood Before:
Reluctant. I have to force myself to eat? Just because it's breakfast?

Mood After:
AM Snack
  • Blueberries
Mood Before:
Excited. Yay, antioxidants!

Mood After:
Skeptical. How long did I have this carton of blueberries?
  • Yellow squash with garlic and herb
  • Chicken fajita
Mood Before:
Rushed. The blueberries didn't hold me over.

Mood After:
PM Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:
Mood Before:

Mood After:
Evening Snack
  • Small pink lady apple
Mood Before:

Mood After:
More calm.

Inspiring graduation speeches (like Conan O'Brien's recent Darmouth College address or Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford University address) not only move people to find a suitable career, but to find the courage to pursue other ventures even though there maybe naysayers and hiccups along the way. I'm my own naysayer at times and I've definitely experienced self-imposed hiccups during this weight loss endeavor. I just haven't really made it a priority. With less than a month to go before the weigh in, I need to make this a priority.

That means saying to better portion control to food items like:

King's Biergarten wienerschnitzel with a variety of sausages

Brick House's fried zucchini with sriracha

Brick House's prime rib sandwich with garlic tater tots

Pappa's BBQ Endless pork ribs

Wings 'n' More Fried Twinkies

Wings 'n' More Monte Cristo with chips

Bakkhus burger with Parmesan fries

Captain D's stuffed crab, Gulf Coast shrimp, and fried fish filet

80 Bites - The App
If my phone were smarter and part of the "i" family of Apple products, I might give the 80 Bites app a chance to help with portion control. According to Fitness, it helps stop mindless eating by tracking bites. Yes, bites. To reach your ideal weight, "experts" say, you should take no more than 80 bites per day.

What if you chomp your food? What if you're a nibbler? I don't know if this 80 bites business works for everyone. What is considered the average bite size for each person?

I'll try to count my bites. Let's see how many bites I take a day.

The Sleep and Food Mood Journal is Kind of a Drag

I've noticed through this logging of my hydration, sleep, and food that I'm a big-time Debbie Downer to myself. Whenever I'm getting all right sleep I subconsciously mess it up with inactivity or eating to combat some minuscule stress I'm experiencing (In my mind, I'm exaggerating how horrible my current dieting and exercise levels are).

I will work on getting at least consistent hours of sleep, drinking more water (to keep me awake when it counts), and eating when I'm not an anxious wreck. I'm really a grumpy, anxious person as of late whenever I finish eating. I guess I am more of an emotional eater than I would admit.

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: Didn't weigh myself today Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 11253 steps (6686 aerobic steps for 71 minutes), 4.44 mi., 319 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Jane Fonda's Lower Body Solution (35 minutes)

Sleep and Food Mood Journal
  • Kellogg's™ Frosted Mini Shredded Wheat with 2% Milk (in an 8 oz. cup)
  • Nutella™ on a single slice of Nature's Own™ Healthy Multi Grain bread
Mood Before:
Bordering on cranky.

Mood After:
More motivated to start the day.
AM Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:
Mood Before:

Mood After:
PM Snack
  • Cantaloupe
  • Lenny's Sub Sour Cream and Onion chips
Mood Before:

Mood After:
Drowsy and tired.
  • HEB Chicken fajita
  • Yellow squash with garlic and herb
Mood Before:
Dizzy and disoriented.

Mood After:
Charged up to do some aerobics.
Evening Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:

June 26th's Results
The scale reads: 147 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 4108 steps (0 aerobic steps for 0 minutes), 1.62 mi., 117 calories

Sleep and Food Mood Journal
Mood Before:

Mood After:
AM Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:
  • Captain D's fried Gulf shrimp (6)
  • Captain D's stuffed crab
  • Captain D's fried fish filet (1)
  • Broccoli
  • Fried okra
  • Cocktail sauce (used on the seafood)
Mood Before:

Mood After:
PM Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:
  • 2 pieces of ribs
  • Spanish rice
  • Potato salad
Mood Before:

Mood After:
Evening Snack
  • Klondike™ Heath bar
Mood Before:
Sweet tooth.

Mood After:
Relieved. I shared it with Chris.

June 25th's Results
The scale reads: 147 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 8799 steps (3814 aerobic steps for 36 minutes), 3.47 mi., 231 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Cardio Tease (20 minutes)
  • Get Into the Move: Get Up and Dance (20 minutes)
  • Get Into the Move: Cardio Challenge (20 minutes)

Sleep and Food Mood Journal
  • Pancake (3 small ones)
  • Turkey bacon
  • Grapes
  • Strawberry
Mood Before:
I'm not hungry, but everyone else is eating.

Mood After:
AM Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:
Mood Before:

Mood After:
PM Snack
  • Cheetos Flammin' Hots Limón
  • Fritos with Tapatío
Mood Before:

Mood After:
Still needy.
  • Spring roll (1½ rolls)
  • Super meat combo pho
Mood Before:
Stressed and hungry.

Mood After:
Evening Snack
  • Popcorn
Mood Before:
Bored? Needed something to munch on as I watch a movie.

Mood After:
Regretful. I practically ate an entire 3.5 oz bag.

June 24th's Results
The scale reads: 145 lbs. (Analog scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 10869 steps (5944 aerobic steps for 57 minutes), 4.28 mi., 295 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Jane Fonda's Step Aerobics (45 minutes)
Sleep and Food Mood Journal
Mood Before:

Mood After:
AM Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:
  • Chicken club sandwich
  • Pasta salad
Mood Before:

Mood After:
PM Snack
  • Coffee Oasis' spiced hot chocolate
Mood Before:
Excited that I'm alone with Chris at this local coffee place.

Mood After:
  • Bakkhus burger
  • Parmesan fries
  • Piece of gyro with fire feta
Mood Before:

Mood After:
Evening Snack
  • Dunn Bros. Amaretto Frappe-like thing
  • Coconut porter
Mood Before:

Mood After:
Impatient with myself. I drank a lot of empty calories tonight.

June 23rd's Results
The scale reads: 144 lbs. (Analog scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 11203 steps (4757 aerobic steps for 55 minutes), 4.42 mi., 335 calories

Sleep and Food Mood Journal
  • Banana
  • Nutella on Nature's Own™ Healthy Multi Grain bread
Mood Before:

Mood After:
A bit more energized.
AM Snack
  • Cantaloupe
  • Blueberries
Mood Before:
Wishy washy.

Mood After:
I need the fruit.
Mood Before:

Mood After:
PM Snack
  • Pringles Cheddar Multigrain chips
  • Hot dog with spicy mustard
Mood Before:

Mood After:
  • 1 glass of sangria from Chelsea Wine Bar
Mood Before:
Rushed and guilty.

Mood After:
Not happy with my low tolerance.
Evening Snack
  • Fried Twinkies (1 ½)
  • ½ of a Monte Cristo with chips
  • St. Arnold's Summer Pilsner
Mood Before:

Mood After:
Remorse. I wish I ate a more substantial dinner so I didn't go crazy with the calories this late.

June 22nd's Results
The scale reads: 144 lbs. (Analog scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 8019 steps (3578 aerobic steps for 38 minutes), 3.16 mi., 224 calories

Sleep and Food Mood Journal
Mood Before:

Mood After:
AM Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:
  • Dumplings with soy sauce and garlic
Mood Before:
On edge.

Mood After:
PM Snack
  • Soy sauce chicken (2 pieces)
  • Soy sauce egg
  • Chinese vegetables
  • Rice
Mood Before:

Mood After:
  • Lenny's Sub roast beef sandwich
Mood Before:

Mood After:
Relieved and grateful that my aunt sent me off on a full stomach before the event.
Evening Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:

Sleep and Food Mood Journal Roll

Wow, because of this journal, I want to eat less so I don't have to record that much. I'll provide the accompanying pictures of my new eating adventures in the next post. For now, take a look at how commitments and social gatherings really do me in with my eating habits. Plus, I didn't reach 10k steps every day in the last 5 days. I had instances of over-sleeping and under-sleeping. Ironically, in both scenarios, I tend to eat more throughout the day.

I will find ways to balance good sleep, hydrating, eating, and staying more active this week.

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 145 lbs. (Analog scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 10093 steps (1124 aerobic steps for 10 minutes), 3.98 mi., 289 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Walked to and from Space Center Houston
  • Walking to the laundry area, dealing with mosquitoes, folding up large items

Sleep and Food Mood Journal
  • Italian blended vegetables (lima bean, carrot, squash, and cauliflower) with garlic herb
Mood Before:
Grumpy. I hope it won't upset my stomach since I left it in the microwave and forgot to refrigerate it

Mood After:
AM Snack
  • Banana
Mood Before:
Obligated. This banana will go to waste if I don't eat it soon. Like now.

Mood After:
Dissatisfied. It was too ripe.
Mood Before:

Mood After:
PM Snack
  • Laughing Cow™ Creamy Swiss and Ritz™ crackers
Mood Before:
Need to fulfill myself. Something is lacking here.

Mood After:
  • Pink lemonade
  • Potato salad
  • Mixed green with balsamic vinaigrette
  • Brisket
  • Chicken breast
  • Sausage
  • Garlic toast
  • Peach cobbler
Mood Before:
Busy like a drone.

Mood After:
Glad I had a hearty meal in good company
Evening Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:

June 20th's Results
The scale reads: 147 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 4801 steps (0 aerobic steps for 0 minutes), 1.89 mi., 122 calories

Sleep and Food Mood Journal
  • Strawberry Mini Wheats with 2% milk
  • 2 healthy grain slices of bread with Nutella
Mood Before:
Destroy guilt about being wasteful. Must eat things before their "Best By" date.

Mood After:
AM Snack
  • Blueberries
Mood Before:
Fogged up. Need some clarity.

Mood After:
Yay, antioxidants!
Mood Before:

Mood After:
PM Snack
  • Cheetos Jalapeño cheddar
Mood Before:
Weak. Giving into temptation.

Mood After:
  • Chicken fajita
  • Italian blended vegetables (lima bean, carrot, squash, and cauliflower) with garlic herb
Mood Before:
Rushed. Need sustenance before a long night of class.

Mood After:
Evening Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:

June 19th's Results
The scale reads: 147 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 6506 steps (0 aerobic steps for 0 minutes), 2.56 mi., 178 calories

Sleep and Food Mood Journal
  • Denny's chicken fried steak with hash browns, scrambled eggs (seasoned with pepper), and wheat toast
  • 1/2 of a full grain wheat praline pancake
Mood Before:
Anxious. The line for Father's Day is scary anywhere. When are we going to get seated?

Mood After:
Content. Sharing food with kind sir is great.
AM Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:
Mood Before:

Mood After:
PM Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:
  • 1 bag of popcorn
  • Hot dog on toasted wheat bread with mustard
Mood Before:
Demanding. I want more time with kind sir. I want comfort foods. I want to watch a movie.

Mood After:
Evening Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:

June 18th's Results
The scale reads: 147 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 4800 steps (2183 aerobic steps for 25 minutes), 1.89 mi., 132 calories

Sleep and Food Mood Journal
  • Eggs with a sprinkle of Frank's hot sauce
  • Papitas
  • Baked beans
  • 2 slices of Spam
Mood Before:
Recalcitrant. Do I really have to eat now?

Mood After:
Subdued. I guess it was a good thing I ate.
AM Snack
  • Cheetos Flammin' Hots - Limón Crunchy
  • Fritos with Tapatío
Mood Before:

Mood After:
Remorse. Probably overdid it.
Mood Before:

Mood After:
PM Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:
  • Pappa's all-you-can-eat pork ribs (5 1/2 ribs)
  • 1 slice of white bread
  • A bite of cucumber salad
Mood Before:
Excited. For only $9 + tax I get to eat all the ribs I want.

Mood After:
Over-satiated. I wish they were more tender and fall-off-the-bone-like. My jaw kind of hurts!
Evening Snack
  • Banana cream cake slice
  • Oreo ice cream
Mood Before:

Mood After:

June 17th's Results
The scale reads: (I didn't weigh myself today) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 4706 steps (0 aerobic steps for 0 minutes), 1.85 mi., 134 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Cheryl Burke's Disco Abs - I Will Survive Cardio (30 minutes)
  • Cheryl Burke's Disco Abs - The Beginner Hustle (12 minutes)
Sleep and Food Mood Journal
  • Cantaloupe
  • Banana
  • Light and Fit Pear Yogurt
Mood Before:
Rushing. Gotta go!

Mood After:
Pacified. At least I have something in my belly
AM Snack
  • Starbucks™ Iced Caramel Macchiato (Tall)
Mood Before:
Pressured. I'm here for the third time this week.

Mood After:
Annoyed. The barista overcharged me. Oh well, that's the tip they get for me being here thrice in one week and not paying until now.
  • Bowtie pasta salad
  • Eggplant + chicken breast sandwich
Mood Before:
Adrenaline rush. These Texas High School Aerospace Scholars have good heads on those shoulders. They definitely know more than I do at that age and was more ambitious to pursue help and greater understanding of the opportunities that lie ahead for them.

Mood After:
Gluttonous. Man, how many calories have I consumed already?
PM Snack
  • Berrylicious yogurt (mango, Irish mint, New York cheesecake, coconut, Reese's flavors)
Mood Before:
Timid. I'm just going to get a little bit.

Mood After:
Scared. Man, those machines dispense yogurt too quickly. I got more than I wanted.
  • Zucchini appetizer with sriracha sauce
  • Prime rib (with provolone and onion straws and dip) sandwich
  • Garlic Parmesan fries
  • Strawberry daiquiri
Mood Before:
Adventurous. I'd like to try something new in Galveston.

Mood After:
Bloated. Disappointed, yet satisfied.
Evening Snack
  • Cantaloupe
Mood Before:

Mood After:
At least I ate some more fruit.

June 16th's Results
The scale reads: 144 lbs. (Analog scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 10060 steps (6155 aerobic steps for 55 minutes), 3.96 mi., 273 calories

Sleep and Food Mood Journal
  • Stale Apple Jacks™ + 2% Milk
Mood Before:
Annoyed. Man, this new, big box expired and I didn't eat it yet. I should see if it's still good

Mood After:
Disappointed. I shouldn't have done that. It tastes horrible
AM Snack
Mood Before:

Mood After:
  • Baked catfish
  • Steamed carrots, broccoli, cauliflower
  • Cantaloupe
Mood Before:
Desperate. I should eat something

Mood After:
PM Snack
  • Starbucks™ Strawberry frappe
  • Pringles™ Multigrain Cheddar
  • Watermelon
Mood Before:
Pressured. I've been hanging out at Starbucks and not really purchasing anything. Thank goodness Angie's kind enough to treat me to a beverage.

Mood After:
Guilty. Boo. Empty calories.
  • Cucumber salad
  • Austrian potatoes
  • Sauerkraut
  • Baguette slices
  • Wiener schnitzel
  • Spicy chicken bratwurst (chicken, Swiss cheese, apples, jalapeño peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, and spinach)
  • Grilled bratwurst (Traditional bratwurst with fresh onions, garlic, and parsley)
  • Weisswurst (white ground pork sausage with parsley and onions - supposedly the tradition sausage of Oktoberfest)
  • Horseradish
  • Mustard
Mood Before:
Adventurous. I'd like to try something new

Mood After:
Relieved. I'm glad I've tried authentic German food that tastes decent and was more fulfilling than it looked
Evening Snack
  • Watermelon
Mood Before:
Sweet tooth!

Mood After:
Proud. I had the self control to say "No" to ice cream and eat something a little healthier.


Progress Report Mind: 12-day Headspace streak Challenge of picking up jQuery in a short amount of time after a long hiatus AIAA Hous...