Sleep, Caffeine, and Walking

Yesterday's/Today's Results
The scale reads: 148 lbs. (Digital Scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 10485 steps (4057 aerobic steps for 42 minutes), 4.13 mi., 301 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • None - too absorbed on playing catch up

I didn't get good quality sleep last night (again). My adrenaline is through the roof right now so I can't exactly get to sleeping right now either. I'm experiencing a horrible caffeine high from a horrible (near-impulse) purchase at Starbucks about 6 hours ago. I absolutely cannot function with coffee in my system. I should've heeded the warnings from The Oatmeal's 15 Things Worth Knowing About Coffee

Image courtesy of The Oatmeal

Poor circulation. Racing heartbeats. Anxiety!

I had a last minute meeting at Starbucks this evening to take advantage of the free Wifi. I felt bad for not making a purchase while taking up space there so I went ahead with a cocoa cappuccino. I thought if I got a foo-foo thing, tall, it wouldn't be that bad. Oh, buddy. I would be producing an abnormal EKG right now - dub dub lub dub lub dub lub dub...

That's not the only horrible thing. I have horrible deja vu. I received another donation solicitation from the American Heart Association (AHA), but this time they gave up on me. They simply did not care to send any carrots (Whoa! No more mailing labels?). They just flat out asked for a donation. On the flip side of the solicitation was a promotion about Start!. I think I signed up for the program when a friend had participated in an AHA walk, but I didn't keep up with it. Texans do not contribute to this website or have any active events going on. I guess Texans need to realize that:

Heart disease is this country's No.1 killer. But by exercising for as little as 30 minutes each day you can reduce your risk. That's what the Start! Movement is all about:

Walk more. Eat better. Live a longer, healthier life.

Research has shown that you can gain about two hours of life for every hour of regular vigorous exercise you do.

I guess it's a divine sign to get more walking in by my own efforts. Texans don't seem to have the time organize a walk sponsored by the AHA.

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