Saying "No"

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 149 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

Other aerobic activities:
  • Taking it easy, walking around with a 2-year-old, Lili (she's a relative that kind sir's mom was taking care of; she's a ball of energy!)

Today's Results
The scale reads: 147 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

Other aerobic activities:
  • Nothing major - taking another rest day for that inflamed arch

I'm mesmerized by the Get-it-Done-Guy's podcast with Byron Katie of Saying an Honest "No." Can it really be that simple to say, "No," without having to provide reason?

I'm glad I was able to say, "No" to strenuous aerobic activities because my primary priority at the moment is to make sure my arch is no longer tender and inflamed. It's a firm "No" with no questions asked or need for further justification. I'm saying "Yes" to healing up my arch by saying "No" to aerobic activities that might exacerbate the inflammation.

Not everything hinges on one yes!

I'm saying "yes" to more rest. "Yes" to less caloric intake. "Yes" to more fluids. I've found other ways to help with my weight loss goals while this arch gets back to normal.

1 comment:

  1. Saying No can definitely be a tough thing to do, so good job on getting that rest that you need! You have the right attitude for this, so keep it up and I'm sure you'll reach your goals in no time despite this minor setback.



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