Getting Back on the Work-Out Horse

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 147 lbs. (Analog scale - I know it's lying!) Goal: 127 lbs.

Other aerobic activities:

I'm glad I did those 50 minutes of aerobics. I loaded myself up with carbs to get ready for the run that's happening in 7 hours. It wasn't the best type of carbs (fatty McFat fat kinds of carbs of the waffle fries variety), but I'm pretty fueled up for a 5K.

I can honestly say it felt good doing the aerobics with that weighted belt. I felt tired at first, but during the rest of the day I was able to stay alert. When I took off the weighted belt, I felt like Atlas letting go of Earth. It made me work out that much more.

I was challenged with any arm toning segment. I always knew I didn't have upper body strength, but my arms feel like 2 very heavy lead sticks. I'm more motivated to move around now.

However, it's time for a much needed rest for tomorrow's run.

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