Ouch! The Pain. At Least I Finished the 5K.

Yesterday's/Today's Results
The scale reads: 149 lbs. (Analog scale and post-Waffle House grubbing) Goal: 127 lbs.

Other aerobic activities:
  • Yuri's Night 5K Run

Ouch-y ouch ouch. Now it's my turn to feel the aching arch. I don't know if it's me not breaking into the shoes or if I don't run correctly. After the run, my dominant foot, the right foot, was swollen like a bag of ice. I have rather flat feet so when I was witnessing this throbbing, tender, hemorrhaging heel/arch flesh it was cause for concern.

I took some pain relief medicine and iced it good until it was numb. I took a quick look online and thought "RICE" - rest, ice, compression, elevation - was sound enough advice. I did half of that stuff and my arch was not as swollen by the time we finished our meal at Waffle House.

I definitely need to train more for the next run/walk. I only ran with the Skechers once so that should've been an indicator I was not ready to roll with all kinds of terrain. I didn't realize this mini hill at the park was going to be a part of the course. I didn't account for nature's wrath on my sinuses and throat. I just didn't train myself mentally either. I was ready to call it quits many times and blindly thought I could run 1/2 of it without stopping. I'm glad I walked a good chunk of the course and still made it under 45 minutes!

I'm going to lay off the physical activity for today so I can alleviate the pain in the arch. I don't know how you runners do it.

Any other recommendations for an inflamed arch?


  1. Congrats on finishing the race! I walked all my 5k races, so you beat my first time covering that distance by far.

    Yikes to the arch pain. It would definitely be wise to rest up a bit and let that arch recover.

    RICE is actually a pretty good method to control inflammation. Haha but I think I always end up just doing RIC since I never elevate it to reduce swelling.

    You can always take pain killers like Advil, Motrin, Alleve, etc. since those do reduce inflammation. They are classified as NSAIDs (non-steriodial anti-inflammatory ... drug?) Advil and Motrin are the same compound (ibuprofen) it's just that Motrin is a higher concentration I believe.

    At any rate, if you do decide to do that, make sure you have a meal before taking it! It does mess with the stomach lining if you take it often (as some doctors do prescribe a continual dosage of this).

    Otherwise, I would just keep up the RICE method as much as possible. Hope it helps so you can make a speedy recovery.

  2. :) Haha, yeah I ended up doing only "RIC."

    Thanks for the congrats. Next time, I'm going to try and work on running more because with these 5Ks, I'm lingering around 45 minutes. I walked more than half this time because of the phlegm-y throat and tender arch.

    Thanks for the heads up about the pain relievers. Prior to this, I didn't really take any ibuprofen or non-cold medicines. I never knew of NSAIDs so . I always learn more from you, Susy!



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