Weekend Blur

Today's Results
The scale reads: 148 lbs. (Digital scale - I'm still feeling really bloated from eating 1/2 a plate of broccoli) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 11002 steps (4522 aerobic steps for 52 minutes), 4.34 mi., 331 calories

Other aerobic activities:

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 146 lbs. (Digital scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 4695 steps (0 aerobic steps for 0 minutes), 1.85 mi., 134 calories - guh, I didn't have the pedometer on me all day because I was a wearing a pretty dress

Other aerobic activities:
  • Walked around Clear Creek High School for the Special Olympics event

April 30th's Results
The scale reads: 149 lbs. (Digital scale - this was after gorging on a gyro plate with a Greek salad and fries) Goal: 127 lbs.

The awesome pedometer reads: 10011 steps (0 aerobic steps for 0 minutes), 3.95 mi., 262 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Cheryl Burke's Disco Abs - I Will Survive Cardio (30 minutes)
  • Cheryl Burke's Disco Abs - The Beginner Hustle (12 minutes)

The weekend started off like the last couple of weekends: "Oh, you've done me in again, food!"

I'm getting better. I promise. There was more physical activity despite what the pedometer results above tell you.

On Friday, I did not learn my lesson about the outrageous effects of coffee on me (Seriously, it's like what you see at the 0:04 mark of the video). I gave in to Bohemeo's Frozen Mochaccino. I thought the fish and shrimp tacos would mitigate the effects. Alas, no.

Bohemeo's Frozen Mochaccino, fish, and shrimp tacos

Chris' company also had an all-you-can-eat crawfish boil later that evening. Boy, my stomach was sizzling from cajun spices and confused from the inordinate amount of mud lobsters waiting to be digested.

Barrios Technology's (All-You-Can-Eat) Crawfish Boil

On Saturday, volunteering at the Special Olympics worked up quite an appetite and boy howdy, I appropriately ate like an Olympian at Skipper's Greek Cafe. I ate the Gyro plate; Chris needed his breakfast so he got the omelet. The event didn't even consciously move me to more exercise even though I was viewing awesome athletes with remarkable determination, pride, sportsmanship, and all those positive attributes of an Olympian. I'm glad Chris and I volunteered though. We helped organize the heats for the 50 m. dash and it's something to run fast and another thing to have endurance. I have neither speed or stamina. At least it's helping me make a mental note to try and build up more stamina.

Left: Gyro plate with Greek salad and fries; Right: Gyro and feta omelet with hash brown

Later that evening, we met up some friends to watch the UFC fight. It should have inspired me to action so I can get rock-hard abs like the fighters. Nope. I was dozing off and nearly falling off the bench I was sitting on.

Seeing others that are in shape and constantly in the public's eye doesn't necessarily motivate me to get in shape. It's always those down-to-Earth folks overcoming their personal weight trials that inspire me to follow suit.

Yesterday, the SWE-Texas Space Center Spring Banquet really called for some serious exercise, but I was just dog tired from stumbling around in 6" heels. It's tough navigating through crowds that are just idling around a boardwalk. I was running a little late and I was trying to power walk, but those heels were like mini obstacle courses when you're trying to keep them on. I don't have any pictures of the caloric damage since my camera batteries and their backup failed on me.

Let's see how this coming weekend will be with the luncheon and other banquet I plan to attend.


  1. My word ...6" heels ... doing anything in those is an amazing feat if you ask me!

    Yeah, it is hard to find motivation at times. I honestly don't get too motivated from images of super fit people either. For me, I was lucky to have my bro and friends who were very physically active and taught me how to work out honestly.

    I suppose that and finding some sort of activity that I really liked motivated me a bunch too. I know that can be pricey though, but if you had the cash to spare, you might be more motivated if you tried out something new (using Groupons or some sort of discount site of course ... man those things are dangerous for the wallet though).

    But honestly, just keep up with what you're doing since starting out is always the hardest part. If you feel like you've hit a plateau with your workout goals, then I would definitely consider exploring some fun hobby that just happens to be active.

  2. Heels provide a great workout for the calves. They make them look more deceptively toned, too, haha. :P There's even a workout by Crunch that involves wearing stilettos.

    Haha, yes, Groupons are dangerous! They dictate my life on the weekends because of some upcoming expiration date. I've only used them once for kayaking. All the other Groupons were for food or tourist traps.

    Thanks for the encouragement! I still enjoy the aerobic DVDs, it's just I don't invest enough time. I do need to get out more.



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