A Sore Complainer - Skating, Chair-ing, Sleeping

Last Week's Results
January 2014 Face ShotWeight: 156 lbs.
Other aerobic activities:

A lovely friend in my fitbit group suggested that we post pictures of our faces to see the progress we make in our weight loss endeavor this year. See above for my chummy mug to compare next month. It's not the most flattering picture because I'm in a daze from Roller Derby Boot Camp. Yesterday was my second time to the rink and my inner thighs are sore. The first week, I was groaning like an elderly gal, according to a co-worker. My quads and inner thighs have not been this pliable and sprightly in an obscene amount of time.

Last Saturday, I tried Jessica Smith's Chair Cardio and Strength workout and it turned my horrible preconceived notions about chair exercises from:
Sit & Be Fit with Mary Ann Wilson
Image courtesy of Amazon

Zuzka doing amazing over the chair kick
Image courtesy of BodyRock.tv

The workout - sans stretching - was slightly under 40 minutes. In a swift couple of hours, my hamstrings were raising a fuss and feeling tender to the touch.

Last night, the evening got a bit frigid and we piled on an extra layer of blanket. Somehow sleeping on a memory foam mattress and being buried under a snug, cozy blanket managed to make my tailbone feel sore. Sheesh! I was afraid it portended my upcoming evening with Roller Derby Boot Camp. I am relieved to report - with sore inner thighs and all, but without labored breathing - that I did not fall on the bum at all today.

I must be doing something right to be sore whether in motion, sitting, or sleeping, correct-o?


  1. Man you're really tackling the workouts! I'm exhausted reading what you've been up!

    I think if I had been doing all of those exercises, I'd would be groaning like an elderly lady as well and I'd probably be very cantankerous to boot.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Let's hope I can keep it up in February. I don't want to be another resolution deserter statistic.



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