Losing Steam Already?

Last Week's Results
Weight: Wavering between 155 and 154
Aerobic activities:

Last week was a good week for STEM outreach. I judged at the Clear Creek ISD Secondary Science Fair and graded some essays and abstracts for the Future City Competition. My soul was happy and I felt fulfilled for helping in reaching out to young ladies and gents in their explorations of science, technology, engineering, and math.

What did that mean for fitness though? That meant I was mostly sedentary and compensated with food for my time. Not necessarily a good thing. I felt tired from expending my energy on this activity. A little exercise should boost my energy so I need to concentrate my efforts on trying to do some little bursts of exercise to keep the energy high. The Jessica Smith exercises are only 30 minutes. I couldn't get myself to carve out half an hour of a day to do some good for myself?

Let's see what happens this coming week. I'm glad the pounds are shaving off bit by bit (Roller Derby Boot Camp has a big hand in this), but let's see if I can get myself to work out every single day.


  1. Keep it up friend! You're doing very well and it's crazy what you're doing with the roller derby (I know I couldn't hang and would only be sore because I would fall all the time before I could even do anything.

    Don't beat yourself up too much for missing days of working out. Life always gets in the way, it does whenever I train for runs. And it happens to everyone too. So don't be so hard on yourself, I'm sure you will develop a good fitness habit that will compliment your busy and hectic life.

    Keep up with the writing, I love reading about your fitness endeavors. I promise I'll start blagging about mine too. I've been slacking off quite a bit and it's time for get back on track as well. Expect some posts soon, if not, feel free to send me strongly worded emails! Haha.

    Take care!

    1. I'm sure you'd rock roller derby! Your P.E. experience with Cobian (that's her name, right?) should be a good foundation. Sure, it may have been rollerblades, but the mechanics of roller skating is similar. I primarily rollerbladed and ice skated before starting this. It took me a couple of weeks before I felt like I got the hang of the skates.

      Like you, I see myself losing my temper more often lately and it's probably due to the lack of physical release through fitness. Also, it's my poor choice of getting involved with sedentary activities (web design for x, y, z organizations). Need to get movin', movin', movin'!

      I need some strongly worded encouragement towards the end of this month. Looking back at my blog entries, I seem to disappear after the second month. Let's make sure that doesn't happen to the both of us. Happy writing to you, too! :)



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