Week 3: Keeping Steady

Last Week's Results
Weekly fitbit results: (UPDATED Thursday, January 3, 2013 since the e-mail barely came in. It gives a better overview of the achievements.)

Week 2 results: Even Steven?

Other aerobic activities:
  • Paula Abdul's Cardio Dance (35 min.)
  • Jane Fonda's New Workout (35 min.)
  • Leslie Sansone's 1 mi. Walk (40 min.)
  • Jane Fonda's Step Aerobics (35 min.)
  • Jane Fonda's Complete Workout (35 min.)
  • Rockin' Body: Rockin' Abs (46 min.)

I'm guessing it's my stubborn and competitive streak that make leaderboards a great source of motivation in this fitbit endeavor. I am about average in the Houston circles, but it's an ego boost to see myself in the top 4 every now and then in other random fitbit groups I've joined. I haven't seen myself this active in a while, but my caloric intake has derailed the efforts a little bit. I am hoping the stats will awaken the eating giant and slay it.

My Jane Fonda library is active again, hurrah! I can't believe I was able to do some of these routines effortlessly (or rather with less physical exertion) only a decade ago. Doing the high impact versions of these routines with greater ease within 1 month is my current resolve.

I'm glad I've been able to reach my stairclimbing goal of 10 flights during the week. fitbit has been good to me. Climbing those stairs has catapulted more aerobic activity just to make sure fitbit registers these events.

Now to work on those sleeping habits. I'm sure the lack of repose is also derailing the weight loss progress. Let's hope I keep steady in this first week of the new year.

How do people keep their weight loss new year's resolution?


  1. Ah a very nice start of the new year and going on quite strong too! Yeah, rest is always important for your health, too bad I didn't learn that until after i got outta college.

    As for new year's resolutions, from what I hear, making small incremental goals help people stay on target. But having overly broad goals will make it too easy to put off and eventually break.

    So maybe set mini resolutions/check points within the year to help yea keep on task. I know when I was training for races, reaching small goals made me feel better whenever I had an off day and a not so good run.

    Keep up the good work! I'm sure you'll keep on course with your goals and achieve whatever it is you wish. :)

  2. Thank you for the encouragement, Susy!

    Good point about making tiny incremental goals. I guess my incremental goal is to loose 2 lbs. (more would be great) each month from now 'til October so I can be down 20 lbs. for the wedding. If I loose more than 20, I'd be mighty happy because that means I would win the weight loss challenge (my mom, cousins, aunt, and uncle are in on the challenge again) and win some more green.

    My goal for the sleep thing: try to increase my average sleep time by 15 minutes every 2 weeks starting now so by the end of February I'll be averaging 8 hours.



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