Problem: Attitude

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 147 (It was a digital scale today, yay! Oh my goodness, I gained weight, boo!) Goal: 137 lbs.

The stupid Wal*mart pedometer reads: 10304 steps, 2.602 mi., 427.5 calories (That's more like it)

Other aerobic activities:
  • Climbed some more flights of stairs at the Regatta (but I don't feel like it's enough)

I think I have the wrong attitude towards this whole endeavor. I think I subconsciously believe that through some mystical, magical way I can shed the weight without conscious effort. I believe I can easily summon the motivation to eat right and be physically active.

Today proved the last statement wrong. I thought I can do portion control at Little Napoli's brunch buffet. Yeah, the word "buffet" should have raised 4 alarms of panic. I gorged on an omelet, breakfast standards (sausage, pancake, eggs, etc.), and 1 1/2 16-oz cups of OJ. Afterward, I walked around the 99 Cents Only Store and Dollar Tree in hopes of negating some of the calories consumed. Again the pedometer failed me and I have no idea how many calories I truly burned or the steps I've taken in that 15 minute trip. Bleh, I ended up having an afternoon siesta and all intents of taking a brisk walk went out the window. Now I'm grumpy.

I have a weird attitude towards food. I tried using online calorie trackers to scare myself with numbers, but I end up being frustrated because the foods I eat are not in the database (and I hate spending the extra time looking around for the data) or their data looks sketch. Do I just give up eating "ethnic" food just because I can't find data on it? I write down what I eat, but it doesn't scare me into eating less because I just end up thinking fondly about what I just ate.

It doesn't help that work work and schoolwork is conducive to a sedentary lifestyle. I try to walk around every hour (as opposed to the recommended 20 minutes because I get so caught up in stuff) to take a break. It still doesn't do anything for me because I end up eating more at the desk (I do keep food away from the desk, but I always end up walking to the kitchen and bring back food every time).

What can I do to develop a more serious attitude besides trying to get people to hold me accountable?

1 comment:

  1. Ah the attitude/motivation problem. I think we all get like that because honestly, haha it'd be great to get the results without the effort/work. Maybe you should try to set smaller goals within your larger goal? I know I get really nervous with things when I only look at the large end goal, so sometimes it helps to look forward to the little milestones, so to speak.



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