Rising from the Ashes - Starting All Over

Yesterday's Results
The scale reads: 162 lbs. Goal: 147 lbs.
The awesome pedometer reads: 10911 steps (4967 aerobic steps for 45 minutes), 3.44 mi., 295 calories

Other aerobic activities:
  • Cardio Hip Hop (30 minutes)

It's not so amazing what stress and a sedentary lifestyle does to one's health goals. The wintry Texas days feel lackluster in spurring physical activity. The unsuspecting series of rain and early nightfalls do not inspire me to perspire. It is hibernation season, yes?

With multiple weddings around the corner - mine inclusive - I will get back to at least where I started with this blogging adventure - a bit below 150 lbs. I was happier then. I was on track to get to my high school weight. I need to embody joviality and spirit for these momentous occasions. I need to get moving.

Losing twenty pounds in a little over 6 months is mighty feasible, right? I think so since I have the disgusting motivation to get some vitality back in my life and wring that high triglyceride issue out of my system (Not to mention, I have the incredible support of my bridesmaids and soon-to-be-husband).

I'm sure I can lose at least 5 lbs. before December slips into January. After all, I gained the 5 lbs. from a recent vacation where I practically ate beyond my usual foodie limits.

What helped me before was the daily log of my aerobic activities and forays into eating smaller portions at some kind of consistent interval. This blog is rising like a phoenix just you wait 'n' see.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the blagging world! I think your goal is quite feasible indeed and I know you can achieve it.

    It might help to have a schedule/plan of sorts to help ya stick to it. It helped me and I guess the fact that I was training for an event was also motivation too.

    I look forward to reading more of your fitness adventures. Now time to not slack off and keep up with my stuff haha.



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