Doing Very Well for Vacation Mode

Today's Results
The scale reads: 140 lbs. (Analog scale) Goal: 127 lbs.

Reporting in: I'm still maintaining the weight even though mom's visiting and we grub a lot.

Last week, I logged in a total of ~47,000 steps (~22 miles). Maybe I should set a weekly goal of steps/mileage instead of daily ones? What do you think?

September's around the corner and I'm aching to start that calendar and getting even more physically active.

1 comment:

  1. Ah good job on maintaining the weight. That is quite a bit of steps/miles in a week.

    Hmmm I guess you can try weekly goals and see if it helps. It might just be more effective since you won't necessarily stress out if you don't meet a daily goal.

    Weekly goals do allow you a bit more leeway with your day since you could just make up steps/miles on another day. I guess the caveat with that is it might be easier to skip workouts too, so I guess it has it's down side.

    So it's worth a shot to see if it's right for you. Good job on staying motivated to work out! I need to start keeping up with ya or I'm gonna get left behind haha.



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