I Win!!!+Starting Over+Superpower Foods

Today's Results
The scale reads: 145 lbs. Ultimate Goal: 127 lbs.

Mother dearest has been in town for about a week now and I've gained 2 pounds. Not too bad! We did the weigh in this past Monday and I weighed 143. That's a 12 pound difference from the end of last summer.

I win! My wallet is feeling happy. It can now celebrate with a steak dinner <wink wink>.

My mom and cousins are game to compete for another year. It's time to step it up and try something new to make sure I get closer to 127 next summer. The competition won't start until the end of my mother's visit. So... starting in September, I'm going to try and implement a gold star system (described by a blog I follow) to motivate myself to get in the 10k steps or doing some dance aerobic for 30 minutes+ a day (I didn't spend all that mulah amassing my fitness DVD/video collection for nuthin'!). Every day I accomplish this, I'll draw in a gold star on a calendar of sorts.

Seeing a calendar full of "gold stars" would definitely feel good.

In the mean time, while my mother's visiting, my goal is to maintain my weight at a respectable (?) 145. I'm also motivated to maintain this weight or lose some more for the wedding in early September. I need to look somewhat decent as a groomsmaid, right?

Hmm, any suggestions on maintaining the weight while being on this pseudo-vacation with my mom? You know this is a challenge because we're a foodie family!

With the frequent travels across Houston in the last week, I've been feeling a little low on the energy levels. I probably need to incorporate more "superpower foods" into my diet. According to Valery Satterwhite, here are eight foods that help replenish what your body wants, slows the aging process and helps to prevent chronic disease:
  • Walnuts - Contain lots of alpha-linolenic acid which turns into healthy omega-3 fatty acid once digested
  • Salmon - Also rich in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Yogurt - rich in calcium and the 'good' kind of bacteria that helps keep your digestive system healthy
  • Raspberries - Packed with immune-boosting antioxidants, Vitamin C and pectic which has been shown to lower cholesterol
  • Kidney Beans - Enriched with more antioxidant protection per serving than any other food
  • Broccoli - has something in it I can't spell or pronounce that lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • Oats - major source of complex carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins to protect against degenerative diseases, especially cancer
  • Pumpkin - Infused with beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and lutein which your body converts to Vitamin A and can protect you from heart disease


  1. Woo to winning! Congrats!

    As for how to maintain it, I guess I would suggest trying to keep your activity level up so you are still burning off all that delicious food.

    Hmm gold stars eh? Sounds like a really good way to motivate yourself and keep track of when you worked out.

    Nice info on the super foods. I need to up my knowledge on nutrition. I know I'm always dead tired everyday.

    Keep up the good work and enjoy the time with ze mother.

  2. <Curtsy> Thanks for the congrats!

    I haven't kept up with the dance aerobics, but I'm trying my best to keep up with the steps.

    Come to think of it, Ruby has also influenced the gold star thing. She started the trophies thing after all.

    I'm sure the training for the marathon will lift up the energy levels. :) I'm glad the super foods piqued your interest. Before you know it, you'll have a vault full of info on your blag about nutrition to complement your training!

    You bet my mom's enjoying her time here and that's all that matters to me. She's catching up with Chinese movies that my aunt owns on DVD and eating hearty.



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